
Monday 18 October 2021

PROMACTIL CAPSULES- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Promactil capsules are unique Ayurvedic combination which is having rejuvinative (rasayana) and vajeekarana (aphrodisiac).  It is a tonic to stimulate, rejuvenate and nourish the body’s reproductive tissues. It improves strength, boosts the immune system responses and promotes overall health of the body.

It improves sperm count, sperm motility and corrects the morphological damages of sperms.

The ingredients helps to relieve tension and helps to relax the mind. It also maintain the hormonal balance.

INDICATIONS of Promactil Capsule

  • Male infertility


Sl. No Botanical name of Ingredients Properties
1 Gmelina arborea Digestive, corrects the movement of vata, rejuvinative
2 Mucuna pruriens It is aphrodisiac and rejuvinative
3 Asteracantha longifolia It reduces oedema, blood purifier
4 Cephalandra indica Useful in depletion of body tissues, weight loss, swelling, etc
5 Emblica officinalis Anti-oxidant, rejuvinative and aphrodisiac
6 Terminalia chebula rejuvinative
7 Vitis vinifera Nutritive, improves blood count, rejuvinative
8 Curcuma longa Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, blood purifier, immune modulator
9 Berberis aristata Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, blood purifier, rejuvinative
10 Cassia sophera Rejuvinative, aphrodisiac
11 Tinospora cordifolia Reducesbody heat, blood purifier, rejuvinative
12 Strobilanthus ciliatus It alleviates vitiated vata, reduces burning sensation
13 Ficus hispida Galactagogue, useful in bleeding disorders, burning sensation
14 Boerhaavia diffusa Reduces swelling, anti-inflammatory, rejuvinative
15 Sida cordifolia Rejuvinative, improve strength, normalises vata dosha
16 Rubia cordifolia Blood purifier
17 Cycas sp. Nutritive, strengthening, relieves thirst
18 Glycyrrhiza glabra Rejuvinative, improves sperm count
19 Saussurea lappa rejuvinative and aphrodisiac
20 Polygonatum verticillatum Rejuvinative, aphrodisiac, nutritive, improve strength
21 Holostemma adakodien Nourishes body tissues, Rejuvinative, aphrodisiac, nutritive, improve strength
22 Fritillaria royleana Rejuvinative, aphrodisiac, nutritive, improve strength
23 Withania somnifera Nourishes body tissues, Rejuvinative, aphrodisiac, nutritive, improve strength
24 Trachyspermum ammi Corrects digestion and metabolism
25 Picrorhiza kurroa In treatment of fever, anti-inflammatory
26 Kaempferia rotunda Nutritive, improve strength, anti-inflammatory,
27 Santalum album Reduces body heat
28 Pterocarpus santalinus Useful in sexual disorders
29 Asparagus racemosus Nourishing to tissues, aphrodisiac, rejuvinative
30 Ghee Nourishing to tissues, aphrodisiac, rejuvinative


2 capsule twice daily for one or two months or as directed by the physician


Soft gel capsules, in blister pack of 10 capsules


Kerala Ayurveda


The yoga postures are desirable for this condition because I help to maintain a balance between body and mind which is very crucial in infertility management.

  • Merudhandasana
  • Paschimothanasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Naukasana
  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Kapalbadi
  • Anuloma viloma pranayama


Aphrodisiac action of Mucuna prurieens

Action of Withania somnifera


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