
Monday 18 October 2021

KALYANAKAM GHRUTHAM- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Kalyanakam ghrutham is a formulation said in Ashtanga hridaya Unmada chikitsa. It is famous for its action in brain like boosting memory, intelligence etc.  This ghee is used in preconceptional treatment to get a healthy progeny. Ghee is generally given to male partner because it improves the quality and quantity of semen. It is used for snehapana (oleation) prior to elimination therapy (panchakarma) in psychiatric disorders and infertility.

INDICATIONS of Kalyanakam Ghrutham

The indications include,

  • Psychiatric diseases
  • Seizure disorders
  • Anaemia
  • Infertility
  • Lack of intelligence and poor concentration
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Poisoning                                                                                       


Sl. No. English name Sanskrit name Latin Name Proportion
1 Chebulic Myrobalan Haritaki Terminalia chebula 12 g
2 Indian gooseberry Amalaki Phyllanthus emblica 12 g
3 Belleric myrobalan Vibhitaki Terminalia bellerica 12 g
4 Colocynth, bitter apple Visala Citrulus colocynthis 12 g
5 Black cardamom Badraila Amomum subulatum 12 g
6 Himalyan cidar Devadaru Cedrus deodara 12 g
7 Tart cherry Elavalukam Prunus avium 12 g
8 Indian sarasapilla Sariba Hemidesmus indicus 12 g
9 Black variety of Indian sarasapilla Utpalasaribha Ichnocarpus frutescens 12 g
10 Turmeric Haridra Curcuma longa 12 g
11 Indian beriberi Daruharidra Berberis aristata 12 g
12 Indian uraria Prisniparni Desmodium gangeticum 12 g
13 Sal leaved desmodium Salaparni Pseudarthria viscida 12 g
14 Beutyberry Phalini Callicarpa macrophylla 12 g
15 Indian Valerian Nata Valeriana jatamansi 12 g
16 Indian night shade Brihati Solanum anguivi 12 g
17 Indian Costus root Kushta Saussurea costus 12 g
18 Indian Madder Manjishta Rubia cordifolia 12 g
19 Cobra,s saffron Nagakesara Mesua ferrea 12 g
20 Pomegranate Dadima Punica granatum 12 g
21 Embelia or false black pepper Vella Embelia ribes 12 g
22 Himalayan Silver fir Talisapatra Abies spectabilis 12 g
23 Cardamom Ela Elettaria cardamomum 12 g
24 Spanish jasmine Malatimukula Jasminum grandiflorum 12 g
25 White water lily Utpala Kaempferia rotunda 12 g
26 Wild castor, red physic nut Danti BAliospermum montanum 12 g
27 Bird cherry Padmaka Prunus cerasoides 12 g
28 Sandal wood Hima Santalum album 12 g
29 Cow’s ghee Ghrutham 1 prastha (768 ml)
30 Water Jalam 4 prastha (3072 ml)


The drugs said were taken in 12 g each and made into very fine powder. This was taken in a vessel to which 3,072 ml (water is four times the quantity of ghrita) was added and mixed well. Then 768 ml of ghee was added and cooking done on mild fire with constant stirring. The cooking was continued till the paste of drug attains a form when it can be rolled into a wick without breakage. This ghee was then filtered through a clean dry cloth and stored well. The ghee collected in madhyama paka (kalka attains a stage of rolling into a wick) because the formulation is used for internal administration.


Sl. No. Ingredients Properties
  Haritaki It is having hot potency, improves colour of skin, promotes bowel movement, improves intelligence, relieves inflammation, improve vision, intelligence and memory. It is having rejuvinative, digestive properties.
  Amalaki It is the best among anti-ageing herbs. It improves vision, balances tridoshas (three bodily humours), anti-diabetic, and aphrodisiac. It improve voice, cures burning sensation, fever, and strengthens immune system.
  Vibhitaki Balances Kapha and Pitta dosha. It is cold to touch but have hot potency. It cures fever, and cough. It is having antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal, anti-hypertensive, hepato-protective and antipyretic activities.
  Visala Alleviate the vitiated kapha and pitta dosha. It is used in the treatment of jaundice, splenomegaly, ascites, respiratory diseases, cough, skin disease, wounds and diabetes.
  Badraila Balances kapha vata dosha. It is used in the treatment of anorexia, gouty arthritis, nausea, thirst, headache, diseases of urinary tract, vomiting, throat pain.
  Devadaru Alleviates vitiated kapha vata dosha. This has the properties like cleansing of wounds, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, febrifuge, anti-pruritic actions. It is used in the treatment of worm infections, fever, asthma, diabetes, etc. it is used in the treatment of obesity also.
  Elavalukam This is an aromatic Ayurveda drugs, which balances kapha vata dosha. It is used in the treatment of cardiac and urinary diseases. It is having anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and antioxidant actions. It acts as an immunomodulator. 
  Sariba It alleviates vitiated tridoshas, and has anti allergic, anti-toxic and blood purifying action. It is having kushtagna (antileprotic ), jwaragna (febrifuge), balya (nourishing) actions
  Utpalasaribha It has similar actions like Sariba. It is having cold potency. It alleviates vitiated tridoshas, and has anti allergic, anti-toxic and blood purifying action. It is having kushtagna (antileprotic ), jwaragna (febrifuge), balya (nourishing) actions
  Haridra Alleviates Kapha pitta doshas, it is having anti allergic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. It is having kandughna (cures itching), kushtanghna (anti-leprotic action), vishaghna (antitoxic effect) properties
  Daruharidra It possesses a peculiar antioxidant activity and balances Kapha pitta dosha. It has similar benefits like turmeric and is useful in treating wounds, diabetes, skin diseases, inflammation, poisoning. It relives spasmodic abdominal pain and leucorrhoea and menorrhagia. 
  Prisniparni It cures vitiation of tridoshas. It is having antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiemetic, and aphrodisiac and wound healing properties.
  Salaparni Alleviate vata pitta is having antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, febrifuge and anticatarrhal actions. It is used in the treatment of oedema, cough, asthma, vomiting, fever, diarrhoea, worm infection and haemorrhoids.
  Phalini It balances all the vitiated doshas. It has the effect of curing bad odour, excess sweating and dryness. It cures burning sensation, fever, excessive thirst, poisoning, delusion, vomiting and dizziness.
  Nata It balances all vitiated doshas especially kapha vata samana (alleviates kapha and vata). It is useful psychiatric disorders, intoxication, epilepsy, poisoning and headache. It cures blood impurities, skin deses and diseases of eyes.
  Brihati Alleviate vata kapha dosha. It has properties like carminative, aphrodisiac, cardiac tonic, analgesic, antipyretic and expectorant actions.
  Kushta It balances kapha due to its bitter taste and vata due to its hot potency. It is used for external application for headache, toothache, gouty arthritis and rheumatic arthritis. It increases sperm count, cures cough, skin diseases, fever, and epilepsy.
  Manjishta It alleviates vitiated pitta kapha dosha, astringent and bitter taste, purifies blood, imparts colour to the body, cures ulcer, diabetes, and skin diseases. It is also proved to have anthelminthic and anti-diabetic actions.
  Nagakesara Nagakesara balances deranged kapha pitta dosha. It is especially useful in treating diseases of urinary tract, poisoning, swelling or oedema, fever and thirst. It is having anti-pruritic, and digestive actions. It is used in treating male infertility.
  Dadima This is a fruit with innumerable properties. It alleviates all the vitiated doshas. It is advised during fever, thirst and burning sensation. It increases sperm count and a natural aphrodisiac.
  Vella This is the best drug in treating worm infestation. Useful in treating skin diseases, diabetes, skin diseases, colic pain, bloating, abdominal distension. It helps in expulsion of doshas (vitiated humours) from the head.
  Talisapatra This drug is famous in treatment of cough, cold and respiratory diseases. It improves digestion and acts as cardio tonic. It cures diseases of mouth, anorexia, bloating, indigestion and vomiting.  
  Ela This is used as spice. It is having excellent antioxidant property. Alleviates vitiated vata kapha dosha. It relieves dysuria and urinary retention. Cures cough, respiratory diseases, anorexia, neuralgia, burning sensation. Used to cure vomiting, IBS, bloating, etc.
  Malatimukula Alleviates Tridosha, it is having hot potency, bitter and astringent tastes. It is good for eyes, has anti-toxic effect, and cures ulcers. It is proved to have antiseptic and anthelminthic properties.
  Utpala Balances pitta kapha dosha. This is efficient in curing diarrhoea, colitis, IBS. Useful in bleeding disorders, burning sensation of eyes, neuropathy, fatigue, etc.
  Danti The drug spreads very easily throughout body and has a quick action. It is used in the treatment of wounds, skin diseases, cough, asthma, neuralgia, ascitis, oedema, haemorrhoids, etc.
  Padmaka It is used to treat skin diseases, burning sensation, herpes, excessive thirst, fever, vomiting, bleeding disorders, vomiting, and dizziness. It has action in insanity, and acts to protect pregnancy.
  Hima It is famous for fragrance property and so relieves bad odour. Cures gastritis and burning sensation in hands and feet. It balances kapha and pitta dosha. Relieves tiredness, fatigue, and psychiatric disorders like Mania, Schizophrenia, etc.



5 to 10 g is advised twice daily with hot water as adjuvent. Dose and adjuvent can be changed considering the health status of patient and the disease.


The yoga, meditation and pranayama can be done which is conducive to the disease in which Kalyanaka ghrutham is given. Usually the practice of yoga and meditation can maintain a healthy mental status. The desirable postures are,

  • Sooryanamaskara
  • Gomukhasana
  • Ardhamatsyendrasana
  • Padmasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Setubandhasana
  • Halasana
  • Anuloma viloma pranayama

These are also desirable in increasing sperm count.


No specific congenial food or regimens are specified in the formulation. But according to the disease in which the ghee is given the dietary advice can be given. It is desirable to eat light easy to digest and hot food.


It is desirable to avoid smoking, alcohol, junk foods, fried, dry foods, night awakening, day sleep, etc.


No side effects are noticed. In Patients with dyslipidaemia, hypertension, and cardiac ailments frequent monitoring is necessary. It is always advisable to take the under doctors’ advice only.



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