
Wednesday 20 October 2021

SLIMIT CAPSULE- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Slimit is an Ayurvedic formulation especially aimed at reducing obesity. Its ingredients are so unique having special action in reducing the fat content of the body helping in reducing body weight and correcting metabolism. It regulates fat metabolism and has no side effects. It also helps in suppressing natural appetite.

INDICATIONS of Slimit Capsule

  • General obesity
  • Post-delivery obesity

INGREDIENTS of Slimit Capsule

Sl. No Ingredients Botanical name Actions
1 Triphala Embelia officinalis Terminalia chebula Terminalia bellerica Reduce cholesterol level Corrects metabolism laxative
2 Kokam Garcinia combogia Useful in obesity and reduce blood cholesterol level
3 Guggulu Commiphora mukul Reduces blood cholesterol, correct metabolosm
4 Katuki Picrorhiza kurroa Corrects digestion and metabolism, maintain the function of liver and has role in lipid metabolism
5 Chitrak Plumbago zeylanica Corrects digestion and metabolism
6 Agnimantha Clerodendrum phlomoides Corrects metabolism  
7 Yava Hordeum vulgare Reduce obesity, corrects bowel movements
8 Trikatu Zingiber officinale Piper longum Piper nigrum Corrects metabolism, improves digestion and reduce cholesterol level in blood
9 Vidanga Embelia ribes Relives satiation
10 Hingu Ferula asafoetida Corrects metabolism, improve digestive fire, natural blood thinning agent


1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day for 2 to 3 months in case of excess weight of about 20 kg

2 capsules twice day for 2 to 3 months if excess weight is more than 20 kg


Bottle pack of 60 capsules


Vital care Private Limited


Regular exercise can control the body weight. Can do yoga postures like

  • Sooryanamaskara
  • Bhujangasana
  • Pavanamukthasana
  • Padahasthasana
  • Paschimothanasana
  • Halasana
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation


Follow regular diet pattern, avoid fatty and fried food, junk food, maida, high fat content dairy products etc.

Include fibrous food, raw vegetables and fruits, sprouted pulses, finger millet, barley etc.


Hypolipidemic action of triphala

hypolipidemic action of trikatu’Trikatu’_on_the_lipid_profiles_of_atherogenic_diet_and_standard_diet_fed_Rattus_norvegicus


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