
Saturday 16 October 2021

GULGULUTHIKTHAKAM GHRUTHAM – Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Guggulutikthakam ghrutham is a very potent formulation described in Vata vyadhi chikitsa by Vagbhatacharya in Ashtanga hridaya. Though it is said as a ghee preparation now its kashaya and kashaya tablets are also available. 


Guggulutikthakam ghrutham is indicated in conditions like,

  • Neurological diseases
  • Diseases due to vitiated vata dosha
  • Diseases affecting joints and bones
  • Diseases of majja dhathu (tissues)
  • Skin diseases
  • Sinus ulcers
  • Fistula in ano
  • Diseases of head and neck
  • Abdominal tumours
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Anaemia
  • Insanity
  • Respiratory disorders
  • oedema


Sl. No. English name Sanskrit name Latin Name Proportion
1 Neem Nimba Azadiracta indica   480 g each for preparing decoction  
2 Giloy Amrit Tinospora cordifolia
3 Malabar nut Vrisha  Adathoda vasica
4 Pointed gourd Patola Trichosanthes dioica
5 Wild eggs plant Kantakari Solanum virginianum
6 Indian moon seed Pata Cyclea peltata                   12 g each for preparing pate
7 False black pepper Vidanga Embelia ribes
8 Himalayan cedar Suradharu Cedrus deodara
9 Long pepper Gajopakulya Scindapsus officinalis
10 Yavakshara Carbonate of potash
11 Sauvarchala Sodii carbonas impura
12 Dry ginger Nagara Zingiber officinalis
13 Turmeric Nisa Curcuma longa
14 Dill plant Misi Anethum graveolens
15 Java Long pepper root Chavya Piper mullusea
16 Indian costus root Kushta Saussurea costus
17 Staff tree Tejovati Celustrus paniculatus
18 Black pepper Maricha Piper nigrum
19 Kurchi Vatsaka Halarrhena pubescens
20 Carom seeds Deepyaka Trachyspermum ammi
21 Leadwort Agni Plumbago zeylanica
22 Hellebore Rohini Neopicrorhiza scrophulariflora
23 Marking nut Arushkara Semecarpous anacardium
24 Sweet flag Vacha Acorus calamus
25 Pong pepper root Kanamoola Piper longum (wild)
26 Indian madder Manjishta Rubia cordifolia
27 Indian atees Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum
28 Monk’s hood Visha Aconitum ferox
9 Cumin seeds Yavani Cuminum cyminum
30 Indian bedellium Guggulu Commiphora mukul 240 g
31   Ghee   768 g


Preparation of Kashaya

480 g each were taken and crushed into coarse powder. Add 1 khata (24.576 litre) of water and boiled. It is then reduced to 1/8th quantity and filtered to collect decoction.

Preparation of ghee

The ghee is taken in a suitable vessel to which the prepared decoction and fine paste of drugs and guggulu are added and cooked in mild flame. The cooking is continued till the paste of drugs can be made into a wick shape. Then the ghee is filtered and collected.


Sl. No. Sanskrit name Properties
1 Nimba It is cold, and grahi (absorb moisture from intestine), improves digestion, relieves tiredness, cough, fever, anorexia, worms, vomiting, skin diseases, heals wound quickly, and useful in diabetes.
2 Amrit Balances tridosha, and has hot potency. It is rejuvinative, improve strength, relieves diabetes, anaemia, jaundice, skin diseases, worms, etc.
3 Vrisha  Balances kapha pitta dosha. It is useful in chronic respiratory diseases, and bleeding disorders.
4 Patola It balances kapha pitta dosha. It is useful in skin diseases, aphrodisiac, improves taste, and cures fever, burning sensation, cough and haemorrhoids.
5 Kantakari It cures vitiated vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, stimulant, carminative, expectorant and demulcent action. It is cardio-tonic and aphrodisiac.
6 Pata Balances kapha and pitta dosha. It is vrishya, anti-toxic, relieves intestinal worms, burning sensation, chronic toxicity and wounds.
7 Vidanga This is the best drug in treating worm infestation. Useful in treating skin diseases, diabetes, skin diseases, colic pain, bloating, abdominal distension. It helps in expulsion of doshas (vitiated humours) from the head.
8 Suradharu Cleanses wounds, cures worm infections, skin infections, neurological disorders, chronic respiratory conditions, diabetes, excessive itching, etc.
9 Gajopakulya Reduces vitiated kapha and vata dosha and it improves strength. It is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, respiratory disorders, throat disorders and worm infestation.
10 Yavakshara Used in treatment if cardiac diseases, diseases of spleen, GIT, urinary diseases like calculi
11 Sauvarchala It is light, easy to digest and used in treatment of diseases of GIT. It is good for heart and clears throat.
12 Nagara It improves taste and cures anorexia. It balances vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory property. It relieves abdominal pain, constipation, throat disorders, bloating, cough, cold, vomiting and hiccups. 
13 Nisa Alleviates Kapha pitta doshas, it is having anti-allergic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. It is having kandughna (cures itching), kushtanghna (anti-leprotic action), vishaghna (antitoxic effect) properties
14 Misi Balances vitiated vata and kapha dosha. It improves digestive fire, cures fever, abdominal pain, healing wounds,  eye disorders, etc.
15 Chavya Alleviates vata kapha doshas, it relieves anorexia, constipation, worm infestation, abdominal pain, tumours (gulma), bloating, ascitis.
16 Kushta Used in treatment of gout, skin diseases, dyslipidaemia, and increases sperm count. It balances vata dosha and used in managing vatavyadhi and vataraktha.
17 Tejovati It balances vitiated kapha vata dosha. It is having very hot potency, very strong, pungent and improves digestion, memory and intelligence.
18 Maricha It alleviates vata kapha dosha. It improves taste and digestion. It alleviates bloating, chronic respiratory diseases, intestinal worm infestations, cardiac diseases and recurrent fever.
19 Vatsaka Balances kapha pitta dosha. It is used in treating diarrhoea, IBS, disorders of blood, fever, cardiac disorders, skin diseases, worm infestations. 
20 Deepyaka Balances kapha vata dosha. It improves taste, digestion, and used in management of abdominal colic, worm infestation, ascitis, bloating, splenomegaly and poisoning.
21 Agni Balances vata kapha dosha. It improves digestion, and useful in skin diseases, worm infestation, haemorrhoids, amenorrhea, hepatomegaly and spenomegaly.
22 Rohini Balances vitiated kapha pitta dosha. Used in treating bleeding disorders, relieves burning sensation, good for heart, improves digestion and metabolism.
23 Arushkara Improves intelligence, act as digestant, cures skin diseases, haemorrhoids,wounds and balances vata kapha dosha.
24 Vacha Balances kapha vata dosha and improves intelligence. It is used in treatment of neurological disorders, obesity, fever, etc.
25 Kanamoola It breaks down thick kapha (sputum), relieves asthma, worm infestations, ascitis, bloating, splenomegaly, respiratory diseases, cough. It is digestive and improve taste.
26 Manjishta Useful in treating diseases of blood. It is used in treating fever, improves complexion and poisoning.
27 Ativisha It balances tridoshas, it is having anti –toxic effect. It is also digestive, carminative and absorbent.
28 Visha It is toxic herb but if used after purification possesses many therapeutic actions. It is tridoshahara and acte as catalyst fir the action of other drugs.
9 Yavani It acts as digestant and carminative. Useful in fever, thirst, burning sensation and abdominal colic.  Cures worm infestation, vomiting, etc.
30 Guggulu It is a best rejuvinative drug. It acts as digestant and improves strength. It is having anti-inflammatory properties and used in managing diseases of vata vitiation and neurological diseases.

Most of the drugs are capable of decreasing vata dosha and so it is useful in treating a wide spectrum of diseases of vata vitiation described under the heading vata vyadhi in Ayurveda. It is also used in managing very complicated conditions involving the raktha dushti (blood related diseases) and skin diseases. it is given as Samana Oushadha (curative medicine) and for snehapana.     .


 5 to 10 ml of ghee is with suitable adjuvant. The adjuvant can be selected according to the disease condition. For Snehapana dose is decided considering the digestive capacity and strength of the patient.


Heavy exercise is not advised during the consumption of Guggulutikthakam ghrutham. But can adopt simple yoga postures, meditation and pranayama.

  • Anuloma viloma pranayama
  • Merudhandasana
  • Sasankasana
  • Savasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Padmasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Meditation


This is an herbal formulation but it contains toxic drugs like Aconitum ferox, semecarpous anacardium etc. which needs purification before their addition to the formulation. If not properly purified, it can cause the toxic symptoms in the body. Many people have allergy to the marking nut. So medical history should be taken

Guggulu also is a very potent drug and during its consumption it is desirable to avoid exposure to sun light, sexual acts, exercise, foods like horse gram, other hot spicy and acrid food.

So during the consumption of Guggulutikthakam ghrutham it is necessary to have a close monitoring of patients.


Can cause health problems like allergic reactions if patient is allergic to marking nut, guggulu, etc. if aconitum ferox is not purified properly can cause toxic effects in the body.


  • Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala
  • Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal
  • SNA Oushadasala
  • Sitaram
  • Nagarjuna
  • Kerala Ayurveda
  • Arya Vaidya Pharmacy


Ashtanga hridaya Vata vyadhi chikitsa



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