
Saturday 3 July 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for ANKLE PAIN

Ayurvedic Treatment for Ankle Pain is designed with internal and external medications of herbo-mineral origin. Ankle pain is the pain in the ankle region usually associated with swelling, redness, and warmth. The presentation of symptoms and their intensity usually depends on the cause of the condition.

  • Signs and symptoms of ankle pain
  • Causes of ankle pain
  • Diagnosis of ankle pain
  • Treatments of ankle pain
  • Complications of ankle pain
  • Gulpha sandhi soola in Ayurveda
  • Nidana- Causes of Gulpha sandhi soola
  • Samprapthi (Maturation)
  • Lakshana of Gulpha sandhi soola
  • Chikitsa (Treatment) of Gulpha sandhi soola
  • Commonly used medicines for Gulpha sandhi soola
  •  Home remedies and Diet desirable to prevent ankle pain
  • Yoga
  • Research articles link

Signs and Symptoms

An ankle sprain is the most important reason for ankle pain where there will be,

  • Pain is associated with swelling and warmth.
  • Pain is felt especially on bearing weight on the affected foot.
  • Tenderness on touching the ankle.
  • Bruising.
  • Restricted movements.
  • Instability in the ankle.
  • A popping sensation or sound is felt at the time of injury.

The other cause includes arthritis where there will,

  • Tenderness on touching the joint.
  • Painful movements.
  • Trouble in moving, walking or putting weight on it.
  • Stiffness, warmth, or swelling of the joint.
  • The pain and swelling will be more after resting, such as sitting or sleeping


The major cause of ankle pain includes sprain. Pain is also felt in,

  • arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis
  • gouty arthritis
  • nerve damage or injury like sciatica
  • blocked blood vessels or infection in the joint


Ankle sprain:

  • Physical examination
  • X-ray
  • MRI if suspecting fracture or severe ligament injuries.

Arthritis ankle joint

  • Physical examination and history taking
  • X-ray is taken to diagnose Osteoarthritis
  • In the case of gout, serum uric acid is the main criteria
  • In rheumatic arthritis, ESR, RA factor, etc. are monitored

The diagnosing techniques can be selected considering the medical history.


Ankle sprain: treatment depends on the severity of symptoms. In case of mild symptoms,

  • Rest
  • Ice packing immediately after injury and at regular intervals
  • Compression using elastic bandaging
  • Elevation of the ankle at the time of rest

In severe cases, there may need surgery if the injury remains unhealed then,

  • Repair a ligament or reconstruct a ligament with tissue from a nearby ligament or tendon

Ankle arthritis condition the treatment includes,

  • Steroid medications orally or injected into the  joints
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics
  • Pads or arch supports in your shoes for ankle care
  • Canes or braces are used for support
  • Physical therapy and Custom-fitted shoes


If pain due to an ankle sprain is not treated properly it may lead to chronic ankle pain. Chronic ankle instability and arthritis of the ankle joint are also possible complications.

Disease and Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, ankle pain can be said as Gulpha sandhi soola. There are many reasons for the pain in Gulpha sandhi (ankle joint). Injury to gulpa sandhi marma also causes pain.

Nidana- Causes

Gulpha sandhigata vata: This is a condition correlated to osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. The causes include the general reasons for vitiation of vata like reduced intake of food, intake of dry, astringent food, improper exercise, night awakening, etc. Since the ankle joint is the weight-bearing joint in the body, lack of exercise etc. makes the joint prone to pain.

Injury to Gulpha sandhi marma causes pain and swelling of the joint.

Samprapthi Maturation

Due to the indulgence of etiological cause vata pradhana dosha vitiation occurs and occupies the Gulpha sandhi and causes pain there. Lakshana Signs and Symptoms

Lakshanas or Symptoms

The symptoms include,

  • Swelling of the joint
  • Painful movements
  • Tenderness
  • Redness

Injury to the Gulpha sandhi marma causes,

  • Pain and stiffness of the joint
  • Khanjata or functional deformity of the joint.


The gulpha sandhi soola can be cured by proper management. The gulpha marma is classified as a rujakara marma that is on injury there occur severe pain. But the injury can be managed.

Chikitsa- Treatment

The gulpha sandhi soola can be managed by abhyanga or anointing the joint with proper medicated oil followed by swedana (fomentation) using manalkizhi (bolus of sand tied in a cloth). Elakizhi(made of medicinal leaves), etc. Upanaha sweda (poultices) can also be used. Internal administration of vatahara drugs also advised.

Commonly used medicines

Internal Medicines

The internal medicines are designed to address the initial Ama ( toxin) accumulated and drain the edema in the local area. The further medicines help the muscles, articulating associates, blood vessels to regain normalcy.

  • Rasnadi Kashayam
  • Rasnasaptakam kashayam
  • Pachanamrutham Kashayam
  • Chiruvilwadi Kashayam
  • Guloochyadi Kashayam
  • Shaddharanam Churna
  • Yavaloha Churna
  • Hinguvachadi Churna
  • Dadimashtak Churna
  • Kaisore gugulu
  • Yogaraja Gugulu
  • Rasaraj Ras
  • Yogendra Ras

External Applications

  • External application of oils like,

Dhanwantaram thailam

Kottamchukkadi thailam

Pinda thailam

Satahwadi thailam

Kethakeemooladi Tailam

  • Kottamchukkadi choornam, upanaha choornam, etc. for poultice

Brands available

  • Aryavaidyasala Kottakkal
  • Vaidyaratnam Oushadasala
  • SNA
  • Dhootpapaeswar

Home Remedies

In case of injury take a rest and application of an ice pack can be done. After the pain subsides mild movements can be tried. In case of pain due to arthritis apply topical pain relievers and do moderate exercises to make the joint active. If the joint is kept unused the pain may worsen. Stretch to maintain a good range of movements and maintain body weight in a healthy range.


The advised food include,

  • Omega 3 fatty acid-rich food like tuna fish
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Leafy vegetables and colourful fruits
  • Garlic, onion, turmeric, etc. because they have anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute)
  • Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)
  • Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
  • Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend)
  • Padahastasana, etc. like postures can be practised. But at the stage of acute pain, no exercise is advised because it may aggravate the condition.

Research articles link.


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