
Tuesday 15 June 2021

Arjin tablet- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Arjin tablet is a unique Ayurvedic combination with excellent action in the cardiovascular system. This is found to be effective in reducing blood pressure, both systolic and diastolic pressure, and associated symptoms. This is a herbo-mineral preparation having diuretic, hypotensive, hepato-protective, antiarrhythmic and carminative properties. So this formulation found its action in three major systems of the body, cardiovascular, hepatic, and renal systems.


  • Hypertension
  • Giddiness, sleeplessness associated with hypertension
  • Palpitation
  • As a normotensive therapy after hypertension is controlled


Sl.No. Ingredients English name or Scientific name Properties
1 Jatamansi Nardostachys jatamansi Useful in neuropsychiatric diseases
2 Malkagi Celestrus paniculatus Useful in anxiety, male sexual dysfunction Improves memory
3 Purified Shilajathu Asphaltum punjabinum Anti-diabetic Useful in lowering cholesterol level obesity
4 Arjun Terminalia arjuna Cardio-protective, anti-oxidant, reduces cholesterol, blood pressure
5 Brahmi Bacopa monnieri Anti-ageing, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant
6 Sarpagandha Rauwolfia serpentina Reserpine is the anti-hypertensive principle in the drug. Treating hypertension and arrhythmia
7 Triphala Emlica officinalis Terminalia chebula Terminalia bellerica Anti-oxidant Rejuvenative
8 Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and reduces swelling
9 Vacha Acorus calamus Nervine tonic Used in obesity management
10 Apamarga Achyranthus aspera Diuretic, dysuria, water retension,, and urinary stones
11 Upersari Picrorhiza kurroa Liver stimulant, purgative, And restores liver function
12 Kadu white Cuminum cyminum Digestive
13 Kadu black Nigella sativa Useful nephrotoxicity, diseases affecting hepato-cellular system
14 Bel mool Aegle marmelos Rejuvenative Cures vata imbalances in the body
15 Shataveri Asparagus racemosus Rejuvenative, nutritive
16 Harde Terminalia chebula Rejuvenative, mild puragative
17 Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia Cures vitiated pitta dosha Anti-inflammatory
18 Bhangara Eclipta alba Useful in treating liver disorders
19 Tarbuj Beej Melon seeds Rich in amino acids, proteins, etc. Maintains body metabolism
20 Nishotar Operculina turpethum Causes easy purgation, anti-inflammatory, useful in liver diseases
21 Rasna Pluchea lanceolata Digestive, relieves indigested toxins of body
22 Guggul Commiphora mukul It is good in obesity, hyperlipidaemia
23 Tankana kshara Borax Good for heart and vata imbalances
24 Shora Khar seidlitzia stocksii Source of sodium carbonate(sarjik kshara)
25 Gokharu Tribulus terrestris Anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, useful in cardiovascular diseases
26 Sunth Zingiber officinale Enhances digestion, hot potency
27 Dasamoola Aegle marmelosPremna serratifoliaGmelina arboreaOroxylum indicumStereospermum suaveolensSolanum indicumSolanum xanthocarpumTribulus terrestrisDesmodium gangeticumUraria picta Enhances digestion and treats kapha and vata Rejuvenates body Analgesic Anti-inflammatory Positive effect on body tissues like plasma, muscles
28 Amala Emblica officinalis Anti-oxidant rejuvenative
29 Kariyattu Andrographis paniculata Anti-inflammatory Bitter taste
30 Pitparava Fumaria parviflora Digestive, anti-diabetic
31 Rvand chini Rheum emodi Useful in fatty liver, high cholesterol, obesity
32 Ganthoda Root of piper longum Useful in vata imbalance, improves digestion, useful in treating spleenic disorders
33 Khurasani Henbane hyoscyamus niger Anti-spasmodic, cardiac tonic, induces sleep
34 Ajvayan Carom seeds Improves digestion, useful in treating ascites, splenomegaly
35 Pashanabed Bergenia ciliata Diuretic, hepato-protective, anti-diabetic Anti-hypertensive drug


2 tablet thrice daily as the beginning dose and on controlling the B.P. and associated symptoms, the dose can be tapered with the advice of the doctor.


Bottle of 50 tablets


Alarsin pharmaceuticals


Eat anti-oxidant foods like amla, tomato, cherries, cucumber, ash gourd

Avoid bread, pastas and sugar

Avoid junk foods

Maintain a regular eating habit

It is desirable to minimise the intake red meat and fried foods

In conditions like hypertension, and other cardio-vascular and hepatic disorders it is beneficial to do minimal yoga postures, pranayama, meditation, etc. can practice

  • Meditation in vajrasana or sukhasana
  • Anuloma viloma pranayama
  • Bhastrika pranayama


Cardio protective action of Terminalia arjuna.

Rauwolfia serpentine in treatment of hypertension


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