
Tuesday 4 May 2021

KUMARYASAVA- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Kumaryasava is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine, contains 5 – 10 percent of self-generated alcohol. This self-generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as media to deliver water and alcohol soluble active herbal components to the body. So, Kumari means Aloe vera is the main ingredient of the preparation and useful for the hormonal imbalance of Women.

BENEFITS OF Kumaryasava

  • Improves Strength
  • Skin Complexion
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves Agni Deepana
  • Provides nourishment to the body
  • Improves taste


  • Abdominal distension
  • Bloating
  • Respiratory conditions like cough, cold, wheezing, piles, vata imbalance conditions.
  • Neurological conditions
  • Constipation
  • Udara roga


Each 100 ml contains:

For the preparation of Juice extraction:

1 Kumari Aloe vera Juice extraction 12.28litres

For the preparation of Prakshepaka choornam:

1 Shunti Zingiber officinale Rhizome 24gm
2 Maricha Piper nigrum Fruit 24gm
3 Pippali Piper longum Fruit 24gm
4 Lavanga Syzygium aromaticum Flower 24gm
5 Twak Cinnamomum tamala Leaf 24gm
6 Ela Elettaria cardamomum Fruit 24gm
7 Patra Cinnamomum tamala Leaf 24gm
8 Nagakeshara Mesua ferrea Stamen 24gm
9 Vidanga Embelia ribes Fruit 24gm
10 Gaja pippali Piper longum Fruit 24gm
11 Chavya Piper chaba Fruit 24gm
12 Amalaki Emblica officinalis Fruit 24gm
13 Hapusha Juniperus communis Fruit 24gm
14 Chitraka Plumbago zeylancia Root 24gm
15 Pippali moola Piper longum Root 24gm
16 Dhanyaka Coriandrum sativum Seed 24gm
`17 Musta Cyperus rotundus Root 24gm
18 Haritaki Terminalia chebula Fruit 24gm
19 Kramuka Areca catechu Seed 24gm
20 Kutki Picrorhiza kurrooa   24gm
21 Rasna Pluchea lanceolata Root 24gm
22 Devadaru Cedrus deodara Bark 24gm
23 Haridra Curcumalonga Rhizome24gm  
24 Bibhitaki Terminalia bellerica Fruit 4.8 kg
25 Bala Sida cordifolia Root 24gm
26 Daruharidra Berberis aristata Stem 24gm
27 Murva Marsdenia tenacis sima Root 24gm
28 Shatahva Anethum sowa Fruit 24gm
29 Lodhra Symplocos racemosa Stem bark 24gm
30 Utanjana Blepharis edulis Seed 24gm
31 Gokshura Tribulus terrestris Whole plant 24gm
32 Danti Baliospermum montanum Root 24gm
33 Pushkaramoola Inula racemosa Root 24gm
34 Atibala Abutilon indicum Root 24gm
35 Kapikacchu Mucuna pruriens Seed 24gm
36 Hingu patri Ferula nathex Leaf 24gm
37 Akallaka Anacyclus pyrethrum Root 24gm
38 Dhataki Woodfordia fruticosa Flower 384gm

Method of Preparation:

Extracted juice of Aloe vera from the leaves is added with rest of the ingredients. All herbs used in this medicine are taken in coarse powder form. Then this mixture is enclosed in air tight container for further process of fermentation. After it gets fermented, the contents are filtered and preserved.

Points to be noted


The flowers of this herb are used as a backbone of asava and arishta preparations because the flowers act as fermenting agent hence required   to  induce fermentation.


12 -24 ML, once or twice daily, recommended usually after food. If required it can be mixed with equal quantity of water. Best time to take after food. For better results, use   under the supervision of a qualified Ayurveda doctor, will deliver best cure for different ailments.

Exercise and Yoga for Kumaryasava

Exercises like walking, running, jogging, swimming, bicycling can practiced.

Balasana, Halasana, Savasana can practiced.


Green leafy vegetables, Berries, Whole grains, Calcium rich foods can include in diet.

Research paper on Kumaryasava

Effect of preparation method on antioxidant activity of Ayurvedic formulation Kumaryasava by R Manmode, J Manwar, MVohra, S Padgilwar N Bhajipale published in J Homeop Ayurv Med 1(114)

.Properties of Kumaryasava

  • Supports good health of liver
  • Manage proper secretions of bile
  • Good in Urinary tract infections
  • Effective as an Aphrodisiac

Reference of Kumaryasava

Yoga Ratnakara, Ayurvedic Formulary of India

Brands available of Kumaryasava

Zandu, Dabur, Baidyanath, Arya Vaidya Sala, AVP Coimbatore, Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala, Nagarjuna.


No known side effects, over dose may induce gastric irritation. Use this medicine under medical supervision. For better results, consult qualified Ayurveda doctor for better results.


Kumaryasava is a marketed Ayurvedic formulation containing Aloe vera as the main ingredient. The recommended dose of Kumaryasava is high and up to 60 ml/day. The present study describes the preparation of new Kumaryasava concentrate and evaluation of the comparative hepatoprotective activity of Kumaryasava and prepared Kumaryasava concentrate at one–third of Kumaryasava dose against CC14-induced hepatic toxicity.


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