
Tuesday 4 May 2021

CHYAVANAPRASAM- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Chyavanaprasam is one of the anti ageing supplements, which is purely herbal in nature. Amla as its main ingredient, which is a powerful antioxidant. Chavana maharishi discovered this medicine, so it came to be known as Chyavanaprasam.

BENEFITS OF Chyavanaprasam

  • Act as a Rejuvenate medicine
  • Complete nourished medicine
  • Improves Medha
  • Improves skin luster
  • Improves strength  of sense organs
  • Improves Immunity
  • Improves appetite

INDICATIONS OF Chyavanaprasam

  • Fertility
  • Regularity in Menstruation
  • Depression
  • Upper respiratory tract infection
  • Constipation

INGREDIENTS OF Chyavanaprasam

Each 10 gm contains:

For the preparation of Amalaki

1 Amalaki Emblica Officinalis Fruit 75 kg

 For the preparation of Kashayam:

1 Vasaka Adhatoda Vasica Root 900gm
2 Bilwa Aegle marmelos Root 900gm
3 Agaru Aquilaria agallocha Wood 900mg
4 Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa Leaf 900mg
5 Karchoor Curcuma Zedoaria Rhizome 900gm
6 Mustak Cyperus rotundus Rhizome 900gm
7 Shalaparni Desmodium gangeticum Root 900gm
8 Ela Elettaria cardamomum Seed 900gm
9 Kshira Kakoli Fritillaria Roylei Rhizome 900gm
10 Gambhari Gmelina arborea Root 900gm
11 Riddhi Habenaria intermedia Flower 900gm
12 Pushkarmool Inula Racemosa Root 900gm
13 Vidari Ipomoea Digitata Rhizome 900gm
14 Jeevanti Leptadenia Reticulata Root 900gm
15 Kakoli Lilium Polyphyllum Rhizome 900gm
16 Meda Litsea Glutinosa Root 900gm
17 Jeevaka Microstylis muscifera Root 900gm
18 Vrishabhaka Microstylis wallichii Leaf 900gm
19 Utpala Nymphaea Stellata Flower 900gm
20 Shyonaka Oroxylum indicum Root 900gm
21 Mudgaparni Phaseolus Trilobus Whole plant 900gm
22 Bhumi Amla Phyllanthus Urinaria Whole plant 900gm
23 Pippali Piper Longum Fruit 900gm
24 Karkatakashringi Pistacia integerrima Fruit 900gm
25 Maha Meda Polgonatamcirrhifolium Root 900gm
26 Agnimantha Premna corymbosa Root 900gm
27 Red sandal wood Pterocarpus santalinus Wood 900gm
28 Vidarikand Pueraria Tuberosa Rhizome 900gm
29 White sandal wood Santalum album Wood 900gm
30 Bala Sida cordifolia Root 900gm
31 Brihati Solanum indicum Whole plant 900gm
32 Kantakari Solanum Surattense Whole plant 900gm
33 Patala Stereospermum suaveolens Flower 900gm
34 Mashaparni Teramnus Labialis Leaf 900gm
35 Haritaki Terminalia chebula Fruit 900gm
36 Guduchi Tinospora Cordifolia Stem 900gm
37 Gokshura Tribulus terrestris Flower 900gm
38 Prishnaparni Uraria picta Leaf 900gm
39 Mudgaparni Vigna trilobata Leaf 900gm
40 Draksha Vitis vinifera Fruit 900gm

For the preparation of Prakshepaka choornam:

1 Pippali Piper longum Fruit 240gm
2 Dalchini Cinnamomum zeylanicum Seed 240gm
3 Ela Elettaria cardamomum Seed 240gm
4 Tejpata Cinnamomum tamala Seed 240gm
5 Nagkesar Mesua Ferrea Flower 240gm

Cow’s ghee – 4 kg

Sesame Oil _4kg

Sugar_46 kg

Honey _5 kg

Method of Preparation:

Firstly, prepare Amla pulp (boiled up to 7 hrs) after that remove the seeds fully, make it as paste form and then it should be fried with ghee and sesame oil till it reaches the consistency. On the same day itself, we should prepare kashayam, after the completion of kashayam process, we should filter it . Then add sugar to this kashayam, continuous stir should be needed. After few hours, we should mix the amla pulp, stir should do properly. When it attains Avaleha paka, we should add the prakshepaka choornam slowly, stir it properly. After cooling, we should add honey, till reaches the paka.

Points to be noted:

Sugar content varies brand to brand and some companies do not add sesame oil, but in classical text Charaka Samhita, sesame oil is a main ingredient of chyavanaprash.

Honey is added when chyavanaprash is cooled down.

For KIDS – Before buying, check the label of chyavanaprash for its ingredients. Purchase simple chyavanaprash, which does not contain Makardhwaj. Makardhwaj may not be suitable for children as studies shows.

The correct method of taking Chyavanaprash is eating it by licking without milk or any other adjuvant. If you want to drink milk, then it should be best if it is taken after half an hour.

DOSE WITH USAGE OF Chyavanaprash

Age ( 1- 3) – 1 to 2 gms

Age (3 – 5) – 3 to 4 gms

Age (6 – 12) _ 4 to 7 gms

Age (13 – 19) _ 7 to 15 gms

Age (19 – 60) _ 15 to 25 gms

Age above 60 yrs _ 7 to 15 gms

On empty stomach in the early morning, Eat it without any adjuvant.  For better results, use under  the  supervision of a qualified Ayurveda doctor, will deliver best   cure for different ailments.


Aerobic exercise like running, swimming etc

Padmasana yoga

Sarvangasana yoga

Paschimottanasana yoga


 Avoid High fat and high sugar foods in daily food regimen.

Research paper on Chyavanaprash

Chyavanaprash: A Traditional Indian Bioactive Health Supplement by Rohit Sharma, Natalia Martins, and Pradeep Kumar Prajapati   published in Biomolecules 2019 may, 9(5).161.

BRANDS available of Chyavanaprash

Dabur, Baidyanath, Zandu, Arya Vaidya Sala.


Till now side effect was not reported, but use under supervision of Ayurvedic doctor.

Better avoid in Diabetic patients.


Chyavanaprash is an Ayurvedic health supplement which is made up of a super – concentrated blend of nutrient – rich herbs and minerals.  It is meant to restore drained reserves of life force (ojas) and to preserve strength, stamina, and vitality.


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