
Saturday 29 May 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for ALLERGY PEANUT


An allergic response to peanuts usually occurs within minutes after exposure. Peanut allergy is the most common cause of food-induced anaphylaxis, a medical emergency.

  • Signs and symptoms of Allergy peanut
  • Causes of Allergy peanut
  • Pathophysiology of Allergy peanut
  • Diagnosis of Allergy peanut
  • Treatments of Allergy peanut
  • Prognosis of Allergy peanut
  • Complications of Allergy peanut
  • Virudhahara and food allergy (incompatible food)
  • Nidana- Causes of Virudha ahara
  • Purvaroopam (Premonitory Symptoms) of Virudha ahara
  • Lakshana of virudha ahara
  • Prognosis of virudha ahara
  • Chikitsa (Treatment) of virudha ahara
  • Commonly used medicines for virudha ahara
  • Diet
  • Yoga
  • Research articles link.

Signs and Symptoms

When a body gets allergic to peanuts it causes the following symptoms.

  • Hives, redness, or swelling like skin reactions.
  • Itching or tingling sensations in and around the mouth and throat.
  • Diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing and tightening of the throat
  • Runny nose
  • In severe cases, there causes anaphylaxis was the symptoms like swelling of the throat and constriction of airways causing difficulty breathing. There will be a rapid pulse, fall in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness.

Causes and Pathophysiology

The reason for this is that here the body identifies peanut protein as harmful to the body. In such cases, the immune system produces chemicals that cause the symptoms. In most cases, the symptoms produce by eating peanuts. Indirectly, the intake of products containing peanuts also causes allergy.  Inhalation of aerosols, dust from a source such as a peanut flour or peanut oil cooking spray. Age, history of peanut allergy, family history are all risk factors.


History of food habits, analysis of signs and symptoms is the initial step in the diagnosis. Other confirmatory tests like skin tests, blood tests for IgE antibodies.


  • The standard approach is to avoid exposure to peanuts.
  • Desensitization is the method in which to increase doses of food containing peanuts to those children with peanut allergy.
  • Oral immunotherapy
  • Anti-histamines
  • In severe cases the injection of epinephrine to prevent anaphylaxis. People with allergies carry an epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen, Auvi-Q, others).


About 20% of children outgrow peanut allergy by their school-age years. At the same time, there is no cure for peanut allergy.


The main complication is Anaphylaxis. In children with peanut allergy sometimes cause life-threatening symptoms.

Disease and Ayurveda

There is no correct terminology to correlate the peanut allergy. But we can manage the condition based on the concept of Virudhahara (Incompatible food). Ajeerna and Agnimandya can also be considered.

Nidana- Causes

Intake of food which is not compatible to the body, mismatching combination of food items, taking food at an improper time, place, inappropriate amounts, etc.

Lakshana Signs and Symptoms

Diseases due to virudha includes,

  • Indigestion, Abdominal distension, intestinal disorders, Ascites, gastritis
  • Fever
  • Intoxication, fainting
  • Skin diseases, erysipelas, bullous, etc.


In Ayurveda eighteen types of Virudha are said. Among this Saatmya (anything conducive to body) virudha and Agni virudha can be considered more in this context.


Intake of incompatible food causes many diseases from indigestion to severe intoxication like life-threatening conditions. Its prognosis so is determined by the problem it causes in the body. 

Chikitsa- Treatment

Samana: can be given Samanaushadha (medicines) based on the disease. Drugs like Haridra, nimba possessing detoxifying effect can be used. Treatment to protect Agni (digestive fire) is necessary because a person with supreme Agnibala (digestive fire) won’t get the effect of Virudha ahara. 

 Shodhana: Diseases caused by intake of incompatible diets and drugs can be cured by Vamana Karma (therapeutic Emesis), Virechana (Purgation)

Commonly used medicines

Commonly used medicines include,

Vilwadi gulika

Vaiswanara choorna

Sankha vati

Agnikumara rasa

Doosheevishari gulika

Chiruvilwadi kashayam

Pachanamrutham Kashayam

Nirgundyadi Kashayam

Brands available

  • Vaidyaratnam Oushadasala
  • Aryavaidyasala Kottakkal
  • SNA Oushadasala
  • Dhootpapeswar
  • Baidyanath etc.

Home Remedies and Diet

Always take food that is conducive to the body in proper quantity at the proper time. Doing purgation ones in two or three months gap is also good.


Those postures which help in maintaining digestive health are good.

  • Vajrasana
  • Padmasana
  • Pavamukthasana, etc. increases the blood flow to the gut.

Research articles link.


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