
Wednesday 26 May 2021

AMRUTHA PRASAm GHRUTHAM- – Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Amrutha prasam ghrita is one of the famous Ayurvedic preparation mentioned in classical texts. It is considered as supreme nectar because of its peculiar rejuvenating properties.


Amrutha prasam ghrita is indicated in conditions like,

  • Azospermia and oligospermia
  • Who is injured and fatigue
  • Weak (durbala)
  • Krisa (emaciated)
  • Kasa (cough)
  • Hikka (hiccups)
  • Fever
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Infertility
  • Vomiting
  • Moorcha (fainting)
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Diseases of urinary system


Sl. No. Sanskrit name Latin name Proportion
  Jeevanti Leptadenia reticulata    

            12 g each
  Kakoli Withania somnifera (substitute)
  Meda Asparagus racemosus (substitute)
  Mudgaparni Dysolobium pilosum
  Mashaparni Vigna radiata
  Jeevkam Pueraria tuberosa
  Yashti Glycyrrhiza glabra
  Sunti Zingiber officinale
  Satavari Asparagus racemosus
  Veera Coccinia grandis
  Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa
  Bala Sida cordifolia
  Barngi Rotheca serrata
  Swayamgupta Mucuna pruriens
  Riddhi Curculigo orchioides
  Sati Hedychium spicatum
  Tamalaki Phyllanthus amarus
  Pippali Piper longum
  Sringataka Trapa bispinosa
  Payasya Ipomoea mauritiana
  Salaparni Desmodium gangeticum
  Prisniparni Uraria picta
  Brihati Solanum anguivi
  Kantakari Solanum virginianum
  Draksha Vitis vinifera
  Sarpi Ghee 768 ml
  Ksheera Milk 768 ml
  Dhatri Phyllanthus emblica 768 ml
  Vidari Pueraria tuberosa 768 ml
  Ikshu Saccharum officinarum 768 ml
  Chagamamsa rasa Goat meat soup 768 ml
  Madhu Honey 384 ml
  Sarkara Sugar 2.4 kg
  Maricha Piper nigram 24 g
  Twak Cinnamomum verum 24 g
  Ela Elettaria cardamomum 24 g
  Patram Cinnamomum tamala 24 g
  Kesaram Mesua ferrea 24 g


  • Prepare ghrita with the mentioned drugs with specified quantity
  • After the completion of the process, add :-

                         Madhu – ½ prastha(384 g)

                         Sarkara – ½ tula(2.4 Kg)

                        Chaturjata          – ½ pala each (24 g)

                       & Maricha


Sl. No. Sanskrit name Properties
  Jeevanti Madhura (sweet), kashaya (astringent) taste. It possess like Guru (heavy), snigdha, Mrdu and cold potency (Sita). It alleviates Vatapitta dosha and aggravates kapha dosha.  
  Yashti Relieves vitiated vata pitta dosha. It improves voice, virility, checks bleeding disorders, vomiting, burning sensation, thirst, bleeding, etc
  Sunti It improves taste and cures anorexia. It balances vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory property. It relieves abdominal pain, constipation, throat disorders, bloating, cough, cold, vomiting and hiccups. 
  Satavari  Alleviates Vatapitta dosha. It is aphrodisiac, rejuvinative and nutritive. It promotes breast milk.    
  Veera This alleviates Vatapitta dosha and is aphrodisiac, rejuvinative and nutritive. It promotes breast milk.  
  Punarnava This cures vata kapha dosha and reduces inflammation and oedema.
  Bala This is nutritive, rejuvinative, aphrodisiac, and cardiac tonic.
  Barngi Balances kapha vata dosha, cures respiratory diseases, inflammation, indigestion, abscess and infected wounds. Useful in burning sensation.
  Swayamgupta It alleviates tridosha and is aphrodisiac, rejuvinative and nutritive. It promotes breast milk. .
  Sati Reduces vitiated kapha vata samana. Cures bad breath, cough, ulcers, respiratory disorders, fever.
  Tamalaki Alleviates kapha pitta dosha, cures cough, breathing problems
  Pippali Balances vata kapha vitiation. It improves digestion, anti-ageing, rejuvinative, good in respiratory disease, cough, fever, diabetes, abdominal tumours, and haemorrhoids.
  Sringataka It alleviates tridosha and is aphrodisiac, rejuvinative and nutritive. It promotes breast milk.  
  Payasya This alleviates Vatapitta dosha and is aphrodisiac, rejuvinative and nutritive. It promotes breast milk.  
  Salaparni Alleviate vata pitta is having antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, febrifuge and anticatarrhal actions. It is used in the treatment of oedema, cough, asthma, vomiting, fever, diarrhoea, worm infection and haemorrhoids.
  Prisniparni It cures vitiation of tridoshas. It is having antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiemetic, and aphrodisiac and wound healing properties.
  Brihati Alleviate vata kapha dosha. It has properties like carminative, aphrodisiac, cardiac tonic, analgesic, antipyretic and expectorant actions.
  Kantakari It cures vitiated vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, stimulant, carminative, expectorant and demulcent action. It is cardio-tonic and aphrodisiac.
  Draksha It balances vata pitta dosha and acts as a natural coolant. It facilitates easy bowel movements and is good for eyes. It relieves vomiting, gout, respiratory diseases, burning sensation, dryness, emaciation, etc
  Ksheera It reduces vitiated vata and pitta dosha. It is a good rejuvenator, it promotes strength, it is good in dizziness, it acts as natural aphrodisiac, relieves excessive thirst and hunger.
  Dhatri It is the best among anti-ageing herbs. It improves vision, balances tridoshas (three bodily humours), anti-diabetic, and aphrodisiac. It improves voice, cures burning sensation, fever, and strengthens immune system.
  Vidari It cures vitiated vata pitta dosha. It imparts nourishment, strength and virility. It improves sperm quality and quantity. It is used in treatment of bleeding disorders.
  Ikshu This balances vata pitta dosha. It improves nourishment, aphrodisiac, laxative and has cold potency.
  Maricha It increases digestion and cures diseases of digestive and respiratory system
  Twak It relieves dysuria and urinary retention. Cures cough, respiratory diseases, anorexia, neuralgia, burning sensation. Used to cure vomiting, IBS, bloating, etc.
  Ela This is used as spice. It is having excellent antioxidant property. Alleviates vitiated vata kapha dosha. It relieves dysuria and urinary retention. Cures cough, respiratory diseases, anorexia, neuralgia, burning sensation. Used to cure vomiting, IBS, bloating, etc.
  Patram Alleviates vitiated vata kapha dosha. It relieves dysuria and urinary retention. Cures cough, respiratory diseases, anorexia etc.
  Kesaram Nagakesara balances deranged kapha pitta dosha. It is especially useful in treating diseases of urinary tract, poisoning, swelling or oedema, fever and thirst. It is having anti-pruritic, and digestive actions. It is used in treating male infertility.

  The drugs included in this formulation are rejuvinative in nature along with those having action in respiratory system. So this formulation can be given after the acute stage of disease to regain the lost tissue strength and regain the strength.


12 g is given considering the patient’s strength. Warm milk or warm water is given as the adjuvent.


The exercise and yoga should be done considering the condition of patient. If patient is very weak, it is better to advice rest. If ghee is given after cure of the symptoms to regain strength mild exercise and yoga postures can be advised. It includes,

  • Marjarasana
  • Sisu asana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Anulom viloma pranayama
  • Meditation


It is desirable to consume light easily digestible food items during the course of medication.


Those with dyslipidaemia and cardiac diseases frequent monitoring are advisable during the intake of this ghrutham.


Weight gain can occur during the intake because it is highly nutritive. No allergic response or adverse effect noticed.


  • Aryavaidya sala Kottakkal
  • AVP
  • Nagarjuna


Ashtanga Hridaya kasachikitsitam



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