
Monday 18 October 2021

Mahatpanchagavya Ghrutham- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Mahatpanchagavya ghrutham is a potent formulation described in Apasmara pratishedha (treatment of epilepsy) by Vaghbhatacharya in Ashtangahridaya Utharasthana.

INDICATIONS of Mahatpanchagavya ghrutham

Mahatpanchagavya ghrutham is indicated in conditions like,

  • Fever
  • Epilepsy
  • Abdominal enlargement
  • Fistula in ano
  • Edema
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Jaundice
  • Anaemia
  • Abdominal tumour
  • Cough
  • Diseases caused by evil spirits                                                                                                    


Sl. No. English name Sanskrit name Latin Name Proportion
1 Indian bael Vilwa Aegle marmelos 96gm
2 Headache tree Agnimantha Premna serratifolia 96gm
3 Broken bones tree Syonaka Oroxylum indicum 96gm
4 Rose flower fragrant Patala Stereospermum suaveolens 96gm
5 Beech wood Gambhari Gmelina arborea 96gm
6 Indian nightshade Brihati Solanum indicum 96gm
7 Yellow fruit nightshade Kantakari Solanum xanthocarpum 96gm
8 Ticktrefoil Shalaparni Desmodium gangeticum 96gm
9 Prsniparni Prisniparni Uraria picta 96gm
10 Puncture vine Gokshura Tribulus terrestris 96gm
11 Chebulic myrobalan Hareetaki Terminalia chebula 32gm
12 Indian gooseberry Amalaki Emblica officinalis 32gm
13 Belleric myrobalan Vibheetaki Terminalia bellirica 32gm
14 Turmeric Haridra Curcuma longa 96gm
15 Indian beriberi Daruharidra Berberis aristata 96gm
16 Conessi tree Kutaja Holarrhena antidysentrica 96gm
17 Milkwood pine Saptaparna Alstonia scholaris 96gm
18 Prickly chaff flower Apamarga Achyanthes aspera 96gm
19 True indigo Nilini Indigofera tinctoria 96gm
20 Picrorrhiza Katurohini Picrorhiza kurroa 96gm
21 Indian laburnum Shamyaka Cassia fistula 96gm
22 Orris root Pushkaramoola Inula racemose 96gm
23 Common fig Phalgumoola Ficus carica 96gm
24 Camel thorn Duralabha Tragia involucrata 96gm
25 Blue flowered glory tree Bharngi Clerodendron serratum 12gm
26 Velvet leaf Patha Cyclea peltata 12gm
27 Pigeon pea Adhaki Cajanus cajan 12gm
28 Indian jalap Kumbha Operculina turpethum 12gm
29 Red physic nut Nikumbha Baliospermum montanum 12gm
30 Common ginger Shunti Zingiber officinale 4gm
31 Black pepper Marica Piper nigrum 4gm
32 Long pepper Pippali Piper longum 4gm
33 East Indian globe thistle Rohisha Sphaeranthus indicus 12gm
34 Frangipani vine Murva Chonemorpha fragrans 12gm
35 Bishops weed Bhutika Trachyspermum ammi 12gm
36 Green chirayta Bhunimbha Andrographis paniculate 12gm
37 Long pepper Sreyasi Scindapsus officinalis 12gm
38 Indian sarsaparilla Sariva Hemidesmus indicus 12gm
39 Henna tree Madayantika Lawsonia inermis 12gm
40 Ceylon leadwort Agni Plumbago zeylanica 12gm
41 Freshwater mangrove Nichula Barringtonia acutangular 12gm
42   Gomaya swarasa   768ml
43   Ksheera   768ml
44   Dadhi   768ml
45   Mutra   768ml
46   Ghrutham   768gm
47   Water   12.288 litres


Preparation of Kashaya

96 g each of two panchamoola(ingredients from no.1 to 10),triphala (ingredients from no.11 to 13), haridra, daruharidra, kutaja, saptaparna, apamarga, nilini, katurohini, samyaka, root of pushkara, root of phalgu, duralabha are boiled in 12.288 litres of water. It is then reduced to 1/4th quantity and filtered to collect decoction.

Preparation of ghee

768gm of  ghee is taken in a suitable vessel to which the prepared decoction and fine paste of drugs (ingredients from no.25 to 41) and liquids mentioned as ingredients from 41 to 45  are added and cooked in mild flame. The cooking is continued till the paste of drugs can be made into a wick shape. Then the ghee is filtered and collected.


Sl. No. Sanskrit name Properties
1 Vilwa Dasamoola Pacifies vata dosha, has anti inflammatory, analgesic, anti rheumatic, anti oxidant properties. Provides strength to body, tones muscles and soothes nerve.
2 Agnimantha
3 Syonaka
4 Patala
5 Gambhari
6 Brihati
7 Kantakari
8 Shalaparni
9 Prisniparni
10 Gokshura
11 Hareetaki Triphala Has antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antibacterial properties. Improves oral and digestive health,support skin healing.
12 Amalaki
13 Vibheetaki
14 Haridra   Has anti allergic, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, anti diabetic, anti oxidant, blood cleansing properties.
15 Daruharidra   Possess anti microbial, anti inflammatory, wound healing properties.Used to treat eye diseases.
16 Kutaja   Balances kapha,pitha dosha.Helps to detoxify blood. Useful in diarrhoea,bleeding disorders.
17 Saptaparna   Act as cardio tonic, detoxifies and cleanses blood.Improves digestion,useful in diabetes, asthma.
18 Apamarga   Balances kapha vata dosha, improves digestive fire, cardio tonic,diuretic properties.
19 Nilini   Used to treat fever, constipation, liver and spleen disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, gout. Its leaves promote hair growth.
20 Katurohini   Balances pitha dosha.Used to treat chronic fever, skin disorders,diabetes, bleeding disorders, asthma.
21 Shamyaka   Has cooling, laxative, carminative, antipyretic, anti inflammatory properties
22 Pushkaramoola   Balances kapha vata dosha, useful in fever, anorexia, cough, asthma. Has anti histaminic and broncho dilatory effect.
23 Phalgumoola   Useful in diabetes, liver diseases, asthma, cough, skin diseases, inflammatory conditions.
24 Duralabha   Useful to cure burning sensation, intermittent fever, vomiting, diabetes, urinary tract disorders.
25 Bharngi   Useful in cold, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, cough, chronic respiratory problems, inflammatory conditions.
26 Patha   Used to treat infected wounds, sinuses, skin diseases, jaundice, stomach ache, fever, asthma.
27 Adhaki   Used as analgesic, to cure gingivitis, stomatitis
28 Kumbha   Pacifies kapha and pitha, relieves abdominal distension, constipation, useful in worm infestation, ascites, fever, inflammation.
29 Nikumbha   Pacifies kapha vata dosha, useful in skin diseases, cough, asthma, worm infestation, infected wounds, piles,  haemorrhoids.
30 Shunti Trikatu Pacifies kapha vatha dosha, is a bio-enhancer, has anti viral, expectorant, carminative, appetizer, anti inflammatory properties
31 Marica
32 Pippali
33 Rohisha   Has hypotensive,anxiolytic neuroleptic,antioxidant,anti inflammatory,hepato protective properties.
34 Murva   Used to treat skin diseases,leprosy,scabies,inflammation,constipation,diabetes,intermittent fevers.
35 Bhutika   Posses stimulant,antispasmodic,carminative properties.Used to treat abdominal pains,bronchial problems,amenorrhoea.
36 Bhunimbha   Pacifies kapha pitha dosha,stimulates liver,useful in fever,skin disorders,has antioxidant,antimicrobial properties.
37 Sreyasi   Pacifies kapha vata dosha,improves digestion,useful in treating diarrhoea,asthma,chronic respiratory disorders,worm infestation.
38 Sariva   Pacifies tridosha,has coolant,anti oxidant properties,useful in skin diseases,itching,fever,diabetes,urinary tract disorders,improves sperm quality & quantity.
39 Madayantika   Pacifies kapha pitha dosha,useful in skin diseases,fever,pruritis,burning sensation,bleeding disorders,liver disease,dysuria,ulcers.
40 Agni   Pacifies kapha vata dosha,improves appetite & digestive power,useful in treatment of piles,abdominal colic pain,skin disorders.
41 Nichula   Pacifies vata dosha,used to treat skin diseases,pain,localized swelling,fever,retention of urine.


5-10 ml of ghee with suitable adjuvant. For snehapana dose is decided considering the digestive capacity and strength of patient.


Yoga which helps in relaxation of mind and body are advisable such as





Light and easily digestable food items are advised. Avoid intake of alcohol & preferably have a vegetarian diet.


No known side effects with this medicine. In high dose may cause indigestion.







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