
Tuesday 12 October 2021

FEMIPLEX TABLETS- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Femiplex tablet is an Ayurvedic remedy for female genital tract infections. The drugs in Femiplex tablet is having anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties and so help to cure genital tract infections in females. It relieves itchiness and excessive vaginal discharge thus maintaining a healthy vagina. This helps to restore normal vaginal flora.

INDICATIONS of Femiplex tablets

  • Vaginitis
  • Leucorrhoea

INGREDIENTS of Femiplex Tablet

Ingredients Properties
Loha bhasma Incinerated iron and useful in anaemia, excessive bleeding and discharge
Trivang bhasmas(tin) It is useful in leucorrhoea, and has action in uterus, overies, testes and urinary bladder
Purified alum It is anti-septic and reduces discharge
Commiphora myrrha Useful in leucorrhoea and heavy bleeding
Mandur bhama (iron slag) haematinic
Mesua ferrea Relieves inflammation, useful in treating leucorrhoea
Smilax china It is anti-septic and anti-bacterial
Hibiscus rosasinensis It is absorbent, useful in treating heavy periods
Swarna makshika bhasmas It is rejuvinative, used in treating diabetes, infertility
Amaranthus spinosus Useful in excess menstrual bleeding, general debility
Nelumbium speciosum It is absorbent and have cold potency, useful in bleeding disorders
Coriandrum sativum It is cold potency and relives burning sensation and inflammation
Asparagus racemosus It is cold potency, relieves inflammation, burning sensation, and excess discharge through vagina
Putrnjiva roxburgii Have peculiar action in geenito-urinary system
Symplocos racemosa It is astringent and used to treat vaginal discharges and heavy bleeding
Lawsonia alba Used to treat ulcers and bleeding disorders
Tribulus terrestris It is having action in genito-urinary system, relieves infection and anti-inflammatory
Woodfordia fruticosa It is used in treating bleeding disorders, astringent
Cuminum cyminum It is a digestive and enhance metabolism
Godanti bhasma It is cold and is astringent, anti-septic
Saraca indica It is astringent and used to treat leucorrhoea
Berberis aristata Anti-septic, cures infection
Ficus glomerata Anti-septic, anti-bacterial, relieves inflammation and burning sensation
Bombax malabarica Having haemostatic property and used in menorrhagia
Abroma augusta Used to treat gynaecological disorders
Mukta sukti bhasma It is cold and relieves burning sensation
Purified asphaltum Action in genito urinary system


2 tablets 2 to 3 times daily till the symptoms subsides


Charak Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai, India


  • Always follow healthy diet inclusive of fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid fried and spicy food
  • Junk foods, carbonated drinks
  • Avoid night awakening and excess day sleep
  • Maintain cleanliness of vagina and try to keep the area dry


Action of Symplocus racemosa

Click to access MNAPC-V7-I2-8-p-78-86.pdf


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