
Wednesday 13 October 2021

DHANWANTHARAM GHRUTHAM – Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Dhanwantharam ghrutham is a formulation said in Ashtanga hridaya Prameha chikitsa. It is used in the management of all types of Prameha and the pidaka (abscess) which occurs in diabetic patients. It is used in snehapana (oleation therapy) prior to the panchakarma procedures. 


Dhanwantharam ghrutham is indicated in various conditions like,

  • All types of Prameha
  • Prameha pidaka (diabetic ulcers)
  • Poisoning
  • Pandu roga (anaemia)
  • Vidradhi (abscess)
  • Gulma (abdominal tumours)
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Oedema
  • Ascitis
  • Respiratory diseases and cough
  • Vomiting
  • Splenomegaly
  • Rheumatoid diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • Psychiatric diseases


Sl. No. English name Sanskrit name Latin Name Proportion
1 Coomb teak, Cashmiri tree Kasmari Gmelina arborea 10 pala (480 g )  
2 Bael fruit Vilwa Aegle marmelos 480 g  
3 Rose flower fragrant Patala Stereospermum colais 480 g  
4 Indian trumpet Syonaka Oroxylum indicum 480 g  
5 Wind killer Agnimantha Premna corymbosa 480 g  
6 Sal leaved desmodium Salaparni Pseudarthria viscida 480 g  
7 Indian uraria Prisniparni Desodium gangeticum 480 g  
8 Indian night shade Brihati Solanum anguivi 480 g  
9 Wild eggs plant Nidigdhika Solanum virginianum 480 g  
10 Small caltrops Gokshura Tribulus terrestris 480 g  
11 Perfume ginger Sathi Hedychium spicatum 480 g  
12 Wild castor Danti Baliospermum montanum 480 g  
13 Himalayan cedar Surahva Cedrus deodara 480 g  
14 Hogweed (red variety) Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa 480 g  
15 Hogweed(white variety) Svetapunarnava Boerhavia verticillata 480 g  
16 Common milk Hedge Snuhi Euphorbia nerifolia 480 g  
17 Madar Arkamula Calotropis  gigantea 480 g  
18 Chebulic Myrobalan Pathya Terminalia chebula 480 g  
19 Burflower tree Bhukadamba Neolamarckia cadamba 480 g  
20 Marking nut Arushkara Semecarpous anacardium 480 g  
21 Indian beech Karanjamula Pongamia pinnata 480 g  
22 Three leaved caper Varana Crataeva magna 480 g  
23 Long pepper root Pippalimula Piper longum (wild variety) 480 g  
24 Elicampane Pushkaramula Inula racemosa 480 g  
25 Barley Yava Hordeum vulgare 768 g  
26 Bet fruit Kola Ziziphus mauritiana 768 g  
27 Horse gram Kulatha Macrotyloma uniflorum 768 g  
28 Long pepper Pippali Piper longum 12 g  
29 Java long pepper Chavya Piper mullusea 12 g  
30 Sweet flag Vacha Acorus calamus 12 g  
31 Willow-leaved water croton Nichula Homonoia riparia 12 g  
32 Rusa grass Rohisha Sphaeranthus indicus 12 g  
33 Indian Jalap Trivrit Operculina turpethum 12 g  
34 False black pepper Vidanga Embelia ribes 12 g  
35 Monkey face tree Kampilla Mallotus philippensis 12 g  
36 Turk’s turban Bhargi Rotheca serrata 12 g  
37 Dry ginger Viswa Zingiber officinale 12 g  
38 Ghee     1 prastha (768 ml)  



The drugs from No.1 to 27 are taken in specified amount and eight times water is added and boiled and reduced to one fourth. This decoction is filtered and collected to get the liquid medium for ghee preparation.

Kalka (paste of drugs)

The drugs from 28 to 37 are taken and made into fine paste.

Preparation of ghee

The ghee is taken in a vessel to which decoction and paste of drugs are added and cooked till the paste of drugs can be rolled into a wick shape without cracks. This is then filtered, collected and stored in an airtight container.


Sl. No. Medicine Properties
  Kasmari Alleviate all the three doshas. It has stomachic, refrigerant, demulcent, laxative properties. It is being used In treatments of oedema, constipation, haemorrhoids, bleeding disorders, toxic conditions.
  Vilwa Alleviate vata kapha dosha. It has anti-inflammatory, astringent, digestive, and stomachic properties. It is used to treat diarrhoea, vomiting, oedema, etc.
  Patala Alleviate three doshas. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is a liver stimulant. Used to treat oedema, asthma, vomiting, phthisis, diarrhoea.
  Syonaka Alleviate vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-bacterial, diaphoretic and stomachic action. It is used to treat oedema, cough, ulcer, diarrhoea, fever.
  Agnimantha Alleviate vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory, anthelminthic properties. It is used to treat oedema, constipation, fever, haemorrhoids.
  Salaparni Alleviate vata pitta is having antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, febrifuge and anticatarrhal actions. It is used in the treatment of oedema, cough, asthma, vomiting, fever, diarrhoea, worm infection and haemorrhoids.
  Prisniparni It cures vitiation of tridoshas. It is having antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiemetic, and aphrodisiac and wound healing properties.
  Brihati Alleviate vata kapha dosha. It has properties like carminative, aphrodisiac, cardiac tonic, analgesic, antipyretic and expectorant actions.
  Nidigdhika It cures vitiated vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, stimulant, carminative, expectorant and demulcent action. It is cardio-tonic and aphrodisiac.
  Gokshura It alleviates all the vitiated doshas. It is having properties like diuretic, tonic, aphrodisiac, and demulcent action. It is used to treat urinary problems, calculi, oedema, depletion of semen, cough, etc.
  Sathi Reduces vitiated kapha vata samana. Cures bad breath, cough, ulcers, respiratory disorders, fever.
  Danti The drug spreads very easily throughout body and has a quick action. It is used in the treatment of wounds, skin diseases, cough, asthma, neuralgia, ascitis, oedema, haemorrhoids, etc.
  Surahva Cleanses wounds, cures worm infections, skin infections, neurological disorders, chronic respiratory conditions, diabetes, excessive itching, etc.
  Punarnava Potent Ayurvedic anti-inflammatory drug, diuretic and cures swelling. Balances Kapha vata dosha.
  Svetapunarnava Cures vitiated kapha vata dosha. Reduces swelling, anti-inflammatory.
  Snuhi Reduces vitiated kapha vata dosha. Used in treatment of abdominal tumours, ascitis, diabetes, skin diseases, haemorrhoids, etc.
  Arkamula Balances vata kapha dosha. Used in treatment of worm infections, wounds, haemorrhoids, poisoning, bleeding disorders, and inflammation.
  Pathya It is having hot potency, improves colour of skin, promotes bowel movement, improves intelligence, relieves inflammation, improve vision, intelligence and memory. It is having rejuvinative, digestive properties
  Bhukadamba It acts as coolant, heals wound, improves sperm count,  cures bleeding disorders, anorexia, diarrhoea, poisoning, etc.
  Arushkara Improves intelligence, act as digestant, cures skin diseases, haemorrhoids, wounds and balances vata kapha dosha.
  Karanjamula Detoxifies vaginal diseases, cures uterine diseases, skin diseases, haemorrhoids, wounds, worm infestations, diabetes
  Varana Cures vitiated vata kapha dosha, worm infections, gout, dysuria, abscess and blood disorders.
  Pippalimula It breaks down thick kapha (sputum), relieves asthma, worm infestations, ascitis, bloating, splenomegaly, respiratory diseases, cough. It is digestive and improve taste.
  Pushkaramula Balances kapha vata dosha. Cures anorexia, fever, cough, cold, inflammations, asthma, and hiccups. It has anti histaminic and broncho-dilatory effect.
  Yava It increases intestinal motility, improves voice, digestion, strength. It is aphrodisiac and useful in diabetes.
  Kola Balances vata pitta dosha. It relives excessive thirst, indigestion, anorexia.
  Kulatha Reduces vitiation of kapha vata dosha. Acts as laxative, and normal movement of vata. It cures oedema, inflammation, ascitis, haemorroids.
  Pippali Balances vata kapha vitiation. It improves digestion, anti-ageing, rejuvinative, good in respiratory disease, cough, fever, diabetes, abdominal tumours, and haemorrhoids.
  Chavya Alleviates vata kapha doshas, it relieves anorexia, constipation, worm infestation, abdominal pain, tumours (gulma), bloating, ascitis.
  Vacha Balances kapha vata dosha and improves intelligence. It is used in treatment of neurological disorders, obesity, fever, etc.
  Nichula Action in skin diseases, bleeding disorders.
  Rohisha Reduces vitiated kapha vata dosha. Used in bleeding disorders, pruritus, chronic respiratory conditions, indigestion, anorexia.
  Trivrit It balances pitta and kapha dosha. It causes severe purgation. It cures worm infestation, infected wound, ascitis, fever, inflammation, and anaemia
  Vidanga This is the best drug in treating worm infestation. Useful in treating skin diseases, diabetes, skin diseases, colic pain, bloating, abdominal distension. It helps in expulsion of doshas (vitiated humours) from the head.
  Kampilla It causes severe purgation, cures vrana, ascitis, constipation, inflammation, etc.
  Bhargi Balances kapha vata dosha, cures respiratory diseases, inflammation, indigestion, abscess and infected wounds. Useful in burning sensation.
  Viswa It improves taste and cures anorexia. It balances vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory property. It relieves abdominal pain, constipation, throat disorders, bloating, cough, cold, vomiting and hiccups. 

The drugs included in this formulation are predominantly kapha vata samana (balances kapha and vata dosha). This ghee can be administered in various conditions considering the dosha and disease of the person. This is used for Snehana prior to elimination of the vitiated doshas in the specified conditions. This can also be given in small dose as a curative medicine.         .


5 to 10 ml is given with hot water or other suitable adjuvent. For snehapana the dose is decided according to the strength of the body.


This formulation is said in the Prameha chikitsa (treatment of Diabetes). So the yoga postures desirable for this disease can be practiced. It includes,

  • Merudhandasana
  • Paschimothanasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Naukasana
  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Kapalbadi
  • Anuloma viloma pranayama


It is desirable to take food which is light, and easy to digest are to be consumed. Hot, spicy and fried food may cause some adverse impacts. Also avoid junk food, sugar, alcohols, smoking, etc.


No specified contraindications are said. Those with allergy to Bhallataka (marking nut) should not give this medicine.


No side effects are noticed.  But it is desirable to take the medicine under medical supervision and for patients with conditions like dyslipidaemia; hypertension etc. frequent monitoring is beneficial. In high doses can cause purgation. It contains marking nut (arushkara) is drug that causes allergy and so the medical history is to taken prior to the advice of medicine.



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