
Wednesday 13 October 2021

CHIRUVILWADI GHRUTHAM – Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Chiruvilwadi ghrutha is a formulation said in the context of ghee preparations in Sahasrayogam. This ghee preparation is having importance in disorders of Gastro-intestinal system because it possesses property to correct the status of Agni (digestion and metabolism). 


Chiruvilwadi ghrutham is indicated in conditions like,

  • Kshaya
  • Gulma (abdominal tumour)
  • Aruchi (anorexia)
  • Soola (colic)
  • Kasa (cough)
  • Hikka (hiccoughs)
  • Diseases of rectum like haemorrhoids                                                                                       


Sl. No. English name Sanskrit name Latin Name Proportion
1 Indian Elm Chiruvilwa Holoptelea integrifolia         Equal quantity for preparing ghee (decoction should be 4 times of ghee)
2 False black pepper Vidanga Embelia ribes
3 Lead wort Chitramoola Plumbago zeylanica
4 Wild eggs plant Himsra (kantakari) Solanum virginianum
5 Chebulic Myrobalan Hareetaki Terminalia chebula
6 Belleric myrobalan Vibhitaki Terminalia bellerica
7 Indian gooseberry Amalaki Phyllanthus emblica
8 Dry ginger Sunti Zingiber officinalis
9 Long pepper Pippali Piper longum
10 Black pepper Maricha  
11 Giloy Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia Equal quantity as fine paste (1/6 parts of ghee)
12 Indian atees Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum
13 Wild eggs plant Kantakari Solanum virginianum
14 Cow’s ghee Ghrutham   4 parts
15 Water Jalam   8 times of drugs for preparing decoction


Preparation of decoction

The drugs for kashaya are taken in equal quantity and made into coarse powder. To this add eight times water. It is boiled to reduce the kashaya to ¼th quantity. Filter and collect the kashaya.

Preparation of kalka:

Since the liquid portion of ghee is decoction the proportion of paste of drugs should be 1/6th part of ghee.

Preparation of ghee

Take ghee in suitable vessel, to which add fine paste of drugs and kashaya. Cook the ghee in mild fire till the paste of drugs can be rolled to a wick shape. After attaining this stage, filter and collect the ghee.


Sl. No. Ingredients Properties
  Chiruvilwa It balances kapha pitta dosha. It stimulates digestive fire and laxative in nature.
  Vidanga This is the best drug in treating worm infestation. Useful in treating skin diseases, diabetes, skin diseases, colic pain, bloating, abdominal distension. It helps in expulsion of doshas (vitiated humours) from the head.
  Chitramoola Balances vata kapha dosha. It improves digestion, and useful in skin diseases, worm infestation, haemorrhoids, amenorrhea, hepatomegaly and spenomegaly.
  Hareetaki It is having hot potency, improves colour of skin, promotes bowel movement, improves intelligence, relieves inflammation, improve vision, intelligence and memory. It is having rejuvinative, digestive properties.
  Vibhitaki Balances Kapha and Pitta dosha. It is cold to touch but have hot potency. It cures fever, and cough. It is having antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal, anti-hypertensive, hepato-protective and antipyretic activities.
  Amalaki It is the best among anti-ageing herbs. It improves vision, balances tridoshas (three bodily humours), anti-diabetic, and aphrodisiac. It improves voice, cures burning sensation, fever, and strengthens immune system.
  Sunti It improves taste and cures anorexia. It balances vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory property. It relieves abdominal pain, constipation, throat disorders, bloating, cough, cold, vomiting and hiccups. 
  Pippali Balances vata kapha vitiation. It improves digestion, anti-ageing, rejuvinative, good in respiratory disease, cough, fever, diabetes, abdominal tumours, and haemorrhoids.
  Maricha It alleviates vata kapha dosha. It improves taste and digestion. It alleviates bloating, chronic respiratory diseases, intestinal worm infestations, cardiac diseases and recurrent fever.
  Guduchi Balances tridosha, and has hot potency. It is rejuvinative, improve strength, relieves diabetes, anaemia, jaundice, skin diseases, worms, etc.
  Ativisha It balances tridoshas, it is having anti –toxic effect. It is also digestive, carminative and absorbent.
  Kantakari It cures vitiated vata kapha dosha. It is having anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, stimulant, carminative, expectorant and demulcent action. It is cardio-tonic and aphrodisiac.



5 to 10 ml is given with suitable adjuvant. Warm water or decoction suitable to the disease can be adopted as adjuvant.


Yoga posture which helps to maintain healthy digestive system can be adopted. Also, yoga and meditation helps in maintaining healthy mind which helps in the maintenance healthy body. Can adopt,

  • Paschimothanasana
  • Pavanamukthasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Anuloma viloma pranayama
  • Bhastrika pranayama


Always it is desirable to take hot, light and easy to digest food during the ghrutha sevana kala (time of administration). Also avoid day sleep, night awakening, etc.


No side effects are noticed.



Sahasrayogam Ghrita prakaranam.



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