
Monday 11 October 2021

CALCURY TABLET- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

CALCURY tablet is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine manufactured by Charak Pharma. Calcury tablet is an effective remedy in treating urinary calculi and prevents recurrence. Has diuretic, analgesic, anti inflammatory actions.

INDICATIONS of Calcury Tablets

Useful in following conditions-

  • Urinary calculi
  • Renal colic
  • Dysuria associated with renal calculi

INGREDIENTS of Calcury Tablets

SL.No Sanskrit name Latin name Properties
1. Gokshura Tribulus terrestris Well known diuretic, helps to maintain kidney and urinary functions. Has anti bacterial property, relieves burning micturition.
2. Katuki Picrorrhiza kurroa Supports detoxification and immunity. Has anti inflammatory properties. Useful in urinary tract disorders
3. Shigru Moringa oleifera Has anti oxidant, analgesic, anti inflammatory properties. Helps in treating urinary tract infections by virtue of its anti bacterial properties.
4. Pashanabheda Berginia ligulata Increase urine production, helps to disintegrate calculi. Useful in burning micturition, urinary aclculi, urinary retension.
5. Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa Has diuretic, anti inflammatory, nephro protective, laxative actions.  Active principle punarnavine prevents urinary stones by blocking calcium channels. Useful in treating dysuria, hypertension, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis.
6. Dhanvayasa Fagonia cretica Laxative, expectorant, diuretic. Useful in treating pain and inflammation.
7. Shudha shilajathu Asphaltum punjabinum Useful in dysuria, urinary tract infections, sexual disorders, gallstones, kidney stones, inflammation.
8. Palasa kshara Butea monosperma Natural diuretic, Useful to relieve dysuria and urinary calculi.
9. Surya kshara   Useful in leucorrhoea, urinary calculi, urinary tract infections, premature ejaculation.
10. Yava kshara Hordeum vulgare Has carminative, corrosive actions. Useful in treating urinary calculi, painful micturition, abdominal pain, bloating.
11. Ela Elettaria cardamomum Has diuretic action. Relieves abdominal colicky pain, urinary retension due to kidney and bladder stones.
12. Varuna Crataeva nurvala Effective diuretic and lithontriptic drug. Helps to disintegrate calculi
13. Shaileyam Parmelia perlata Useful in treating burning micturition, renal calculi
14. Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia Has anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, immunomodulatory properties. Is an excellent diuretic. Used for treatment of various infections, fever, urinary tract disorders.
15. Ikshumoola Saccharum officinarum  Helps in normal functioning of kidney by regulating protein levels in body. Has diuretic, analgesic, anti inflammatory actions. Useful in treating urinary tract disorders.
16. Hazaral yahud pishti Terminalia chebula Rich source of calcium,reduce oxalate absorption, reduces risk of calculi. Helps to disintegrate calculi.


2 tablet thrice daily, or as directed by the physician.


Simple yoga postures, meditation, pranayama are advised. Following asanas are useful

  • Pavanamuktasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Bhujangasana


Light and easily digestable food items, simple exercise are advised.


No known side effects with this medicine. However it is best to take under medical supervision


Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd.


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