
Wednesday 1 September 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pterygium

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pterygium addresses the issues with digestion and corrects the underlying issues in the metabolism. Thus it prevents relapses and recurrence. Pterygium is a growth of the conjunctiva or mucous membrane that covers the white part of the eye over the cornea. The cornea is the clear front covering of the eye. This benign or noncancerous growth is often shaped like a wedge. A pterygium usually doesn’t cause problems or require treatment, but it can be removed if it interferes with the vision.

Signs & symptoms of Pterygium

A pterygium may appear with no or mild symptoms.

Common symptoms include:

Redness of the eye

Blurred vision,

Eye irritation

Burning sensation or itching in the area.

 If a pterygium covers the cornea, it can interfere with vision.

Feeling that a foreign body is present in the eye

Causes of Pterygium                                     

The exact cause of pterygium isn’t known. One theory says that too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can lead to these growths. People whose eyes are exposed to certain things regularly have a higher risk of developing this condition. These include:

  • pollen
  • sand
  • smoke
  • wind

Pathophysiology of Pterygium

Elastotic degeneration of collagen along with excessive multiplication of fibrous and vascular tissues, happen on the covering of epithelium. Histopathology shows that the abnormal collagen in the elastotic degeneration area contains basophilia with stains like haematoxylin or eosin stain. Though it gets stained with elastic tissue stains, it is not true elastic tissue, and it does not get digested by elastase.

Diagnosis of Pterygium

Physical examination using a slit lamp

Visual acuity test

Corneal topography

Photo documentation

Treatments for Pterygium

A pterygium usually doesn’t require any treatment until vision is disturbed or causing severe discomfort.

Medications – Eye drops or eye ointments that contain corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.

Surgical removal of the pterygium

Prognosis of Pterygium

The prognosis after the surgical correction of pterygium is generally good. But recurrence is observed in many cases.

Complications of Pterygium

Scarring on cornea

Loss of vision

Ayurvedic Concept of Pterygium


Ayurvedic Nidana of Pterygium

Causative factors for eye diseases vitiate mostly Pitta dosha in the body namely,

  • Ushnabhitaptasya jalapraveshaath – entering into a waterbody or taking bath in cold water after exposure to heat/sun
  • Doorekshanaath – Looking at distant objects
  • Swapnaviparyaya – Unhealthy & irregular sleeping habits
  • Prasaktasamrodhanasokakopa – excess or suppressed weeping & anger
  • Klesabhigata – Physical exertion, or trauma
  • Atimaithuna – Excess coitus
  • Atinishevana of Sukta etc. – taking beverages of acidic nature, horse gram, and black gram
  • Vegavinigraha -Voluntary suppression of any natural urges like cough, sneeze, urine, flatulence or faeces
  • Swedarajodhoomanishevana – Excess sweating, exposure to dust & smoke
  • Chardervighaataad – Suppression of vomiting
  • Vamanaatiyoga – Excessive vomiting
  • Baashpagrahaat – Suppression of tears
  • Sookshmanireekshana – looking at small things

Ayurvedic Purvaaroopa of Pterygium

 cloudy vision with slightly inflamed, watery and mucus-filled eyes

heaviness, pricking pain, redness and unmanifested clinical features

Pain in the lids & feeling of worms inside

Impairment of visual sense like detecting colour, & eye movements

Ayurvedic Samprapti of Pterygium

        Causative factors cause vitiation of doshas which travel through siras(circulatory system) and reach the eyes causing the disease.

Ayurvedic Lakshana of Pterygium

        Arma is characterised by a growth on Shukla, which can spread onto boundaries like varthma or krishnamandala where it can cause disturbance in vision.

Ayurvedic Divisions of Pterygium

        5 types

  1. Prastaryarma
  2. Shuklarma
  3. Lohitarma
  4. Adhimamsarma
  5. Snayuarma

Ayurvedic Prognosis of Pterygium

Sastrasadhyam – Chedanasadhyam (to be excised to heal)

Ayurvedic treatment (Chikithsa) of Pterygium


Lepanam with Rookshana dravyas









Chedanam(surgical excision)

Then treatment of wound should be done

Commonly used Ayurvedic medicines for Pterygium

        Thriphala choorna+/-ghee


Balaguluchyadi Tailam

Triphaladi Tailam

Brands available

AVS Kottakal

AVP Coimbatore

SNA oushadhasala

Vaidyaratnam oushadhasala

Home remedies for Pterygium

There is no effective home remedy for pterygium.

But the following preventive measures can be helpful in the protection of the eye from diseases:

  • Ensure enough intake of anti-oxidants and vitamins
  • Control any allergic reactions
  • Wear UV-blocking sunglasses while going out
  • Keep the eyes and eye wares hygienic
  • Avoid scratching or rubbing of eyes
  • Use artificial tears to prevent dryness

Diet for Pterygium

  • To be avoided

Any hard item, tough to bite or chew.

Heavy meals and difficult to digest foods – cause indigestion.

Junk foods- cause a disturbance in digestion and reduces the bioavailability of the medicine

Carbonated drinks – makes the stomach more acidic and disturbed digestion

Refrigerated and frozen foods – causes weak and sluggish digestion by weakening Agni (digestive fire)

Milk and milk products – increase Kapha and cause respiratory problems

Curd – causes vidaaha and thereby many other diseases

  • To be added

Light meals and easily digestible foods

Green gram, soups, honey, fruits and vegetables, cow’s ghee.

Freshly cooked and warm food processed with cumin seeds, ginger, black pepper, ajwain, etc


Protect yourself from too much heat or cold.

Avoid head bath and tongue scraping.

Better to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight, wind, rain, or dust.

Maintain a regular food and sleep schedule.

Avoid stress.

Avoid holding or forcing urges like urine, faeces, cough, sneeze, etc.

Avoid sleeping late night and day sleep.

Yoga for Pterygium


Yoga can maintain harmony within the body and with the surrounding system.

Nadisudhi pranayama



Simple exercises for lungs and heart health

All the exercises and physical exertions must be decided and done under the supervision of a medical expert only.

Research articles of Pterygium


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