
Saturday 31 July 2021

BIPHA DRUGS JEEVANIYA TABLET- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Jeevaniya tablet is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine manufactured by Bipha Drug Laboratories, Kottayam. Jeevaniya tablet is an excellent rejuvenating drug, body energizer that improves immunity.

It is useful in treating anaemia, nervous debility, rheumatism. Improves bodies endurance, fights fatigue, promotes healthy circulation and cellular health.

INDICATIONS of Jeevaniya Tablet

Useful in following conditions-

  • Nervous debility
  • Anaemia
  • Rheumatism


SL.No Sanskrit name Latin name Properties
1. Jeevanti Dendrobium macrael Has nourishing action on body tissues, improves strength and immunity. Has antioxidant, anti-fungal hepatoprotective properties
2. Ashwagandha Withania somnifera Useful in the treatment of anxiety, depression, insomnia. Boosts body immunity. Has antioxidants, sexual stimulants. Improves sperm count, muscle strength.
3. Shatavari Asparagus racemosus Has antioxidant, immune-modulatory properties. Is an excellent diuretic, galactagogue, aphrodisiac.
4. Eranda Ricinus communis Pacifies disorders due to vata vitiation, neurological disorders, rheumatic problems. Relieves pain, swelling.
5. Vidari Ipomea digitata Excellent aphrodisiac, rejuvenating, galactagogue. Strengthens the reproductive system and is useful in male infertility. Has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic action.
6. Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa Has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, nephroprotective actions. Useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis, dysuria, hypertension, anaemia.
7. Kantakari Solanum jaquini Provides strength and immunity, an excellent remedy for asthma, cough, fever, chest pain.
8. Sariva Hemidesmus indicus Has antioxidant, immunostimulant, diuretic properties. Act as a tonic and stimulant.
9. Annabhedi bhasma   Increase RBC production, useful in abdominal, liver, spleen disorders.
10. Abhra bhasma   Has anti-ageing, rejuvenating properties. Reduces weakness, stress, anxiety. Useful in improving blood count, strength and vigour.


2 tablets twice daily, or as directed by the physician.


Simple yoga postures, meditation, pranayama are advised.


Light and easily digestible food items, simple exercise is advised. Avoid junk foods, smoking, alcohol consumption.


No known side effects with this medicine. However, it is best to take under medical supervision


Bipha Drug Laboratories, Kottayam

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, United States. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your GP before the intake. Ayurveda Supplement with GMP Certification from India.


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