
Monday 19 July 2021

AYURCHEM FORLIV TABLET- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Ayurchem Forliv Tablet is an Ayurvedic patent medicine that aims to restore the health of the liver. It improves tissue oxidation and restores liver function. This medicine stimulates hepatocellular regeneration. It is an anti-oxidant and detoxifies the metabolic toxins, thus preventing drug-induced toxicities also.


  • Fatty liver
  • Jaundice
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Hepatitis
  • Drug-induced hepatotoxicity

Forliv tablet and Forliv syrup are available


Sl. No. Ingredients Scientific name properties
1 Amrita Tinospora cordifolia Improve digestion, strength, astringent and anti-oxidant
2 Bringaraj Eclipta alba It is astringent and liver tonic
3 Kutaja Holarrhena antidysentrica Detoxifies blood, improves digestion, bleeding disorders
4 Kalmegh Andrographis paniculata Liver tonic, useful in jaundice, hepatitis
5 Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa Useful in inflammation, it is liver protective and anti-oxidant
6 Katuka Picrorhiza kurroa Bitter taste drug renowned for its action as liver tonica
7 Madayanthika Lawsonia inermis Useful in bleeding disorders, liver disorders, jaundice etc.
8 Trivrit Operculina turpethum It is anulomana or corrects vata movements
9 Daruharidra Berberis aristata Anti-oxidant, anti-toxic properties
10 Chitrak Plumbago zeylanica Digestive and liver-protective. Relieves ama(metabolic toxins)
11 Vidanga Embelia ribes Effective against worms, liver and digestive diseases
12 Rohitaka Teomella undulata Diseases of the spleen, ascitis, bloating, abdominal disorders
13 Patha Cissampelos pareira The anti-toxic effect, relieves vomiting, abdominal disorders
14 nimba Azadiracta indica Bitter tasted drug with a specific action in hepatocellular system


Forliv tablet:  one tablet thrice daily after food

Feeroliv syrup:

Adult: 2 teaspoon thrice daily

Children: 1 teaspoon thrice daily

The dose can be finalised considering the disease and strength of the patient


Tablet: blister pack of 20 tablets

Syrup: 170 ml bottle


It is desirable to avoid high fatty food, fried and junk foods. Also, avoid alcoholic beverages.


Yoga postures like padmasana, vajrasana, sukhasana, gomukhasana have a healthy influence on the digestive system and improve blood circulation to abdominal organs and so can be adopted.


Ayurchem Medicine Manufacturer



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