
Saturday 17 July 2021


Sooktyn is an Ayurvedic formulation that is used in the management of Hyper-acidy. It detoxifies the digestive tract and has an action on correcting liver metabolism. It has digestive, anti-spasmodic, soothing and antacid properties. It is slightly sedative. It is having healing properties and so is used in gastric and duodenal ulcers.It facilitates the elimination of undigested food matter by assuring normal peristaltic movement.

It is having no side effects and can be used as pre-operative condition to control the symptoms.


  • Hyper-acidity
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer
  • Gastritis
  • Flatulence
  • Dyspepsia


Sl. No. Ingredients Scientific name or  English name Properties
1 Sukti bhasmas Incinerated pearl It having cold potency, relieves burning sensation, improves digestion. It is used to treat peptic ulcer, hyperacidity, dyspepsia, gastritis and abdominal pain
2 Kapur kachali Ginger lilly Used to treat loss of appetite, dyspepsia, nausea, and is having anti-inflammatory activity.
3 Jatamnsi Nardostachys jatamansi Anti-depressant activity, neuroprotective
4 Ganthoda The root of piper longum It is digestive and corrects metabolism
5 Khurasani ajvan Apium graveolans Digestive and used to treat digestive ailments
6 Kelpan rakh  
7 Vacha Acorus calamus It has action in the nervous system and is a nervine tonic
8 Dathura pan Datura stramonium Anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrhoeal and anti-tumour properties


2 Tablets two to three times a day and is ideal to consume it between the meals.

The dose can be altered considering the severity of symptoms but it is desirable to take the doctor’s advice.


Packs of 50 and 100 tablets


Alarsin Pharmaceuticals


The mind has an inevitable relation with symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders like hyper-acidity. To maintain a healthy mind and body can practice yoga, pranayama and meditation.

  • Sooryanamaskara
  • Pavanamukthasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Ardhamatsyendriasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Meditation, etc.

Can correct your mental status and also keeps your body healthy.


  • Avoid hot, spicy and fried food
  • Maintain proper time for food intake


No known side effects.

But during pregnancy and lactation take this medicine only with the advice of a doctor.

Persons taking medicines for other ailments also should seek a doctor’s advice.


In Hyper-acidity syndrome


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