
Thursday 17 June 2021

FORTEGE TABLET– Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Fortege Tablet is an Ayurvedic medicine to treat male infertility. It is spermatogenic and improves sex performance which helps in proper insemination. It is effective in managing fatigue syndrome (Asthenia). It is non-hormonal and has no hazards due to hormonal treatment. It help in improving the health of genito-urinary system. It also help in improving digestion, reduces the size of enlarged prostate, and keeps one energetic curing exhaustion, depression. Use of this medicine helps normal sex performance.

INDICATIONS of Fortege Tablets

  • Azoospermia and oligospermia
  • Loss of lobido
  • Improve sex performance
  • Enlarged prostate

INGREDIENTS of Fortege Tablets

Sl. No. Ingredients Botanical name Properties
1 Kaunch Beej Mucuna pruriens Rejuvinative and aphrodisiac It improve sperm count and motility
2 Purified Kuchala Srtychnous nuxvomica It is used in neurological diseases
3 Safed Chandan Santalum album Aphrodisiac, relieves tiredness, fatigue
4 Samudra Shokh Beej Argyreia nervosa Aphrodisiac Improves sexual performance
5 Vardhara beej Argyreia speciosa Aphrodisiac
6 Jeevanti Leptadenia reticulate Rejuvinative Improves strength of the body
7 Ashwagandha Withania somnifera Rejuvinative Aphrodisiac


Asthenia, Stress and strain: 1-2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day for one month

Geriatric tonic: 1 to 2 tablet two times a day

Oligospermia: 2 tablet 3 times a day for 3 months

Functional impotence: 2 tablet 3 times daily for 6 months


Bottle of 50 or 100 tablets


Alarsin Pharmaceutical


Yoga and meditation along with pranayama help to relieve the stress, strain and improve vital power. This help in improving sexual performance.

  • Anuloma-viloma pranayama
  • Sooryanamaskara
  • Gomukhasana
  • Ardhamatsyendriasana


Treatment of male infertility:


Geriatric complaints:

V S Natarajan


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