
Thursday 13 May 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for ALLERGY EYE


The allergic eye is a condition in which the eye is so irritated and has a feeling of having something in it. Eye allergy usually occurs along with other allergic responses like sneezing, rhinitis, etc., or as an independent one. The allergic eye is often called allergic conjunctivitis.

  • Signs and symptoms of Allergy eye
  • Causes of Allergy eye
  • Pathophysiology of Allergy eye
  • Diagnosis of Allergy eye
  • Treatments of Allergy eye
  • Prognosis of Allergy eye
  • Complications of Allergy eye
  • Allergy eye in Ayurveda as Abhishyanda
  • Nidana- Causes of Abhishyanda
  • Purvaroopam (Premonitory Symptoms) of Abhishyanda
  • Lakshana of Abhishyanda
  • Prognosis of Abhishyanda
  • Chikitsa (Treatment) of Abhishyanda
  • Commonly used medicines for Abhishyanda
  • Diet desirable to protect the health of the eye
  • Yoga
  • Research articles link.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms include itching, redness, and burning sensation of the eye. There will be clear, watery discharge. Rarely pain is also seen. There will be difficulty in looking at the light.


Allergic response in the eye is often triggered by foreign bodies like dust particles, pollen grains from grass, weeds, or trees. Pet dander, dust mites, etc. can also cause allergy. Some perfumes, petrochemical exhaust are also irritants to eys.


When an allergen comes in contact with the antibodies associated with mast cells in the eyes, they respond to them by releasing chemicals called histamines. These substances cause the tiny blood vessels to leak and the eyes become red, itching with clear watery secretions. Foreign body sensations become severe.


The symptoms of eye allergy are seen in some other pathological conditions of the eye like viral conjunctivitis. So accurate diagnosis becomes very essential. The examination includes,

  • Examination through a microscope shows swollen blood vessels.
  •  History of previous allergic episodes and analysis of symptoms is necessary.
  • Blood tests like specific IgE can be done.


Primary treatment modality includes the measures to stay away from allergens like closing windows during high pollen periods, air conditioning in home and car, wearing glass outdoors and during traveling. Washing hands handling pests.

Topical application in the eye includes,

  • Artificial tears
  • Decongestant eyedrops
  • Antihistamine eye drops
  • In severe conditions NSAIDs are also used.

Oral medicines include

  • Anti-histamines
  • Immunotherapy.


Mind symptoms can be cured by treatment. Severe or prolonged allergic reactions can sometimes impair vision.


Vernal keratoconjunctivitis, atopic keratoconjunctivitis, contact allergic conjunctivitis are some serious types of allergic eye disease and which when not managed properly lead to scarring of the cornea, or impair vision.

Disease and Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, allergic conjunctivitis can be correlated with Abhishyanda described Acharyas in Sarvakshi yoga.

Nidana- Causes

No specific nidana is said for Abhishyanda roga but general netra roga nidana can be considered which includes,

  • Nayanabhigata (trauma to eyes)- can be due to allergens
  • Dhoomanishevanath (Excessive exposure to smoke)

Samprapthi Maturation

Vitiated Doshas due to the use of nidanas (causes) move upward direction towards the eyes, invades through various channels, and lead to malfunctioning of various substructures of the eye like conjunctiva.

Lakshana Signs and Symptoms

  • Vataja abhishyanda:-Pricking pain, rigidity, foreign body sensation in eyes, roughness,  dryness and cold tears.
  • Pittaja abhishyanda:-Heat and burning sensation of eyes, suppuration, fuming, excessive lacrimation, warm tears, liking of cold.
  • Kaphaja abhishyanda:-Heaviness, swelling, itching in eyes, excessive suppuration, whiteness, excessive coldness, frequent lacrimation, liking of warmth.
  •  Raktaja abhishyanda:-coppery tears, redness in eyes, red streaks, all symptoms seen in pittaja abhishyanda


If Abhishyanda is not treated it leads to a severe condition called Adimandha.

Chikitsa- Treatment


  • Application of the paste of drugs in the eyelids
  • Aschyotana or installation of medicine to eyes
  • Internal administration of medicines also done if necessary.

 Sodhana- Nasya (nasal installation)

Commonly used medicines

Home Remedies

Avoid day sleep, suppression of natural urges, grief, sleeplessness , over strain, etc.

Breast milk as eye drops

Coldwater can be for washing eyes.


Food like barley, wheat, red rice, green gram, leafy vegetables is good.

Vitamin A rich food

Adequate drinking of water

Rock salt, grapes, triphala, pomegranate, etc. are good.


Eye exercises

Pranayam and meditation can also be practiced.

Research articles link.

Click to access IJAAR_VOLUME_III__ISSUE_X_SEP_%E2%80%93OCT_2018______1471_1476.pdf,is%20the%20most%20widely%20advocated.


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