
Monday 5 April 2021

DHANWANTARARISHTAM- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Dhanwantararishtam is widely used an Ayurvedic medicine for post-natal care and degenerative diseases.

Benefits of Dhanwantararishtam

It is very effective in all kinds of fracture and acute injuries because it speeds up the bone regrowth and reduce the risk of inflammations.

It is very effective in joint injuries and dislocation associated with complications, to regain the strength and mobility.

It is used in degenerative disease. It reduces the rate of cell decay and senile changes in old age people.

It reduces inflammations on injuries and fractures so it is useful in sub-acute cases.

It can be used in treatment of Demyelinating disease, motor neuron disease and lateral sclerosis.

 It is very effective in post-traumatic osteo arthritis.

It can be used in traumatic disorders of back bone.

Dhanwantararishtam is used in female vaginal diseases. It is widely used in post-natal care of ladies to reduce puerperal pain after delivery, bladder incontinence etc and to regain the uterine strength.

Indications of Dhanwantararishtam

Soothika – post natal care of mother

Bala         – paediatric muscle strengthening

Marma – injuries on vital points of body

Asthi – disease related to bone and bone growth

Hatha ksheeneshu poojitham – can be used for general debility

Jwara –fever

Gulma – Pain and distension of abdomen

Grahonmada – psychiatric problems

Moothraghatham – urination difficulties

Anthra vridhi – hernia

Yoni roga kshayapaham – female reproductive organ related disorders

Sarva vata vikara jith – it cures all kind of aliments due to Vata

Ingredients of Dhanwantararishtam

Flannel weed Bala Sida cordifolia Linn.

It is anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, contraceptive and anti-fungal activity. It is a tonic for strengthening nerves and muscles in various neuro motor diseases.

Barley Yava Hordeum vulgare

 Barley grass promotes sleep; has antidiabetic effect; regulates blood pressure; enhances immunity; protects liver; has anti-acne/detoxifying and antidepressant effects; improves gastrointestinal function; has anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypolipidemic, and antigout effects; reduces hyperuricemia; prevents hypoxia, cardiovascular diseases, fatigue, and constipation; alleviates atopic dermatitis; is a calcium supplement; improves cognition; and so on.

Indian jujube/ Ber Kola Ziziphus jujuba

It improves digestive fire, clears Ama, and it is anulomana. It is used in the treatment of indigestion, loss of taste, loss of appetite, constipation, distension of abdomen, thirst and splenomegaly.

horse gram Kulatha   Macrotyloma uniflorum Or Dolochos biflorus

Raw horse gram seeds not only possess antihyperglycemic properties, but also have qualities which reduce insulin resistance. Having rooksha guna, it reduces sotha (swelling) and with its vaatanulomana property, it helps in regularising peristalsis and relieves constipation.


It is a group of roots of ten herbs used as a combination in many formulations in Ayurveda.

Dasamoola is the Sanskrit name for a group of medicinal plants, classified as proving beneficial in cases of Asthma and difficult respiration. It was originally composed by Acharya Sushrutha. The name is derived from the words dasa (ten) and moola, translating to “root”. It includes the plants from the Laghupanchamoola and Bá¹›hatpanchamoola groups of medicinal plants.As discussed, t is a group of roots of ten herbs used as a combination in many formulations in Ayurveda.

Used together as a combination in Ayurvedic formulations, Dasamoola has Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It works as a strong anti-rheumatic agent. It is useful in reducing edema. Being mainly Vaatahara it gives strength to the body. It is useful in all diseases related to nerves and muscles.

The ten plants included in Dasamoola are,

Indian bael    Bilwa Aegle marmelos

It has anti-inflammatory properties and it is effective in peptic ulcer. It is anti-diarrhoeal, anti-diabetic and anti-microbial. Being a part of Dasamoola (group of roots of Ten plants) it helps to enhance its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Headache tree    Agnimantha Premna integrifolia Linn.

It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antinociceptive, anti-arthritic, anti-bacterial, anti-cancerous, anti-microbial, anthelmintic, immuno-modulatory, hypoglycaemic, neuro-protective and anti-ulcer properties. It is CNS depressant, Cardiac stimulant, and cardio-protective.

Indian trumpet flower  Syonaka Oroxylum indicum

It has anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, hepato-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, immune-modulatory, nephro-protective, and cardio-protective properties.

Yellow snake tree  Paatala Stereospermum                                                               suaveolens

It is useful in the treatment of diabetes, pain, fever, inflammations and asthma.

Beechwood Gambhari Gmelina arborea

It has anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anthelmintic, anti-microbial, cardio-protective, anti-ulcer, gastro-protective, anti-cancerous, anti-hyperlipidaemic and immunomodulatory activity. It is the one of the main ingredients in Dasamoola for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic property.

Dabra Prisniparni Uraria picta

It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and diuretic properties. It is used as a tonic to nerves and heart. It is useful in bone fracture healing.

Sal leaved desmodium  Saliparni Desmodium gangeticum

It is famous for its cardioprotective properties. It helps to strengthen the heart muscles. It has analgesic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, febrifuge, anti-inflammatory and haemorrhagic properties. It is used to treat fever, vomiting and diarrhoea, cough and asthma.

Indian nightshade  Brihati Solanum indicum

It has anti-oxidants. It also has anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, immuno-modulatory, neuroprotective, diaphoretic, expectorant and stimulant properties.

Yellow-berried nightshade Kantakari Solanum xanthocarpum

It has anti-oxidant and anti-cancer activities. It possesses anti-asthmatic, hypoglycaemic, hepatoprotective, anti-bacterial and insect repellent properties.

Puncture vine   Gokshura Tribulus terrestris

It is useful in diseases such as hormonal imbalance, sexual problems, heart problems, kidney problems and various skin diseases. It helps in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Coiling leaf salmon Meda Polygonatum cirrhifolium ROYLE

It is used in the treatment of loss of vigour, pain in the abdomen, kidney disorders, pain in the hips, swelling, fullness & distension of abdomen, diseases of bones & joints, skin eruptions, and respiratory diseases.

Whorled solomon’s seal. Mahameda Polygonatum verticillatum(Linn.)

It is used as a demulcent, diuretic, energiser, aphrodisiac, sedative, hypoglycemic, anti-tumor, analgesic, and a general tonic. It is a cardiac and nervine tonic,too.

Himalayan cedar  Mahadaru Cedrus deodara

It is useful as an expectorant in cough. It relieves asthma and other respiratory diseases by clearing the airways and enhancing the movements of respiratory tract.

It has anti-diabetic effect as it helps reduce high blood sugar levels in blood.

It helps to calm the mind and improves sleep quality.

Indian madder Manjishtha Rubia cordifolia L.

It is a blood purifier. Used in the treatments of almost all skin diseases. It improves complexion. It enhances the liver functions.  Beneficial in diarrhoea and eye diseases.

Purple roscoea lily Kakoli Roscoea purpurea Sm./ Roscoea procera Wall

It is a general tonic. Sweet in taste and cold in potency, it improves strength of the body. It can be used in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension, diarrhoea, fever, male infertility, leucorrhoea and many types of inflammation.

White lily Ksheerakakoli Lilium polyphyllum D.DON

It is sweet in taste and cold in potency. It works as an expectorant, aphrodisiac, diuretic, anti-pyretic, and a general health tonic.

Red sandalwood Seeta/Raktachandana Pterocarpus santalinus L.

It has anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, anti-hyperglycaemic and diaphoretic properties. It is used in the treatment of fever, haemorrhage and dysentery.

Indian sarsaparilla Sariba Hemidesmus indicus (L.) SCHULT

It is a coolant and a potent detoxifier. It is demulcent, alterative, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic, anti-pyretic, and blood purifier. It is used in leprosy, other skin diseases, fever, asthma, bronchitis, syphilis, pruritus, diseases of the urinary tractand leucorrhoea.

Indian costus root Kushtham Saussurea lappa

It is a carminative, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, and tonic. It stimulates the brain. It is used in the diseases of liver and kidney. It is also useful in the treatment of deafness, headache, paralysis, asthma, cough, chronic fever, inflammation, and ophthalmic conditions.

Indian valerian Tagara Valeriana wallichii

It is useful in neurological, psychological and digestive disorders. It calms mind, strengthens nerves and prevents convulsions. It is used in the treatment of insomnia, epilepsy and paralysis. It has anti-inflammatory properties by which it is beneficial in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It is a carminative and anti-spasmodic. So, it is used in abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, loss of appetite and indigestion. It improves the circulatory system and reduces High blood pressure. It is an ingredient in many ayurvedic anti-hypertensive formulations.

Jivak Jeevaka Malaxis acuminata D.DON

It sweet in taste and cold in potency. It works as an aphrodisiac and a tonic. It is used in the treatment of fever, burning sensation, tuberculosis, haematemesis, seminal diseases, emaciation and general debility.

Fly bearing malaxys Rishabhaka Malaxis muscifera/ Microstylis muscifera Ridley.

It sweet in taste and cold in potency. It works as an aphrodisiac and a tonic. It is used in the treatment of fever, burning sensation, tuberculosis, haematemesis, seminal diseases, emaciation and general debility.

Indian valerian Kalanusari Valeriana wallichii

It is useful in neurological, psychological and digestive disorders. It calms mind, strengthens nerves and prevents convulsions. It is used in the treatment of insomnia, epilepsy and paralysis. It has anti-inflammatory properties by which it is beneficial in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It is a carminative and anti-spasmodic. So, it is used in abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, loss of appetite and indigestion. It improves the circulatory system and reduces High blood pressure. It is an ingredient in many ayurvedic anti-hypertensive formulations.

Stone flower Saileya Parmelia perlata Huds.

It has cooling, anti-inflammatory, and aphrodisiac properties.  It is used in the treatment of cough and other upper respiratory tract infections, asthma, skin diseases, renal calculi, urinary tract diseases like burning micturition, and swelling.

Calamus root/sweet flag Vacha Acorus calamus L.

The root is aromatic. It has stimulant, emetic, expectorant, emmenagogue, aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, antispasmodic, carminative, and anthelmintic properties. It is slightly tonic, and excitant, and forms a useful adjunct to other tonics and stimulants. It may be used in cases of flatulent colic, atonic dyspepsia etc.

Agarwood Agaru Aquillaria agallocha

It has remarkable anti-inflammatory property. It is used in the treatment of ear, nose& throat infections, cough & cold, breathing difficulty, asthma etc. It is beneficial in cleansing the wounds, useful in skin diseases and improving the complexion.

Spreading hogweed Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa

The name Punarnava means it has the capability to repair and regenerate itself. It does the same function in our body also. It is an important anti-inflammatory medicinal herb well known for its diuretic and antioedematous properties. Here it works as a diuretic, by balancing the water retention at the same time helping to reduce oedema in the visceral organs being beneficial in ascites, splenomegaly etc. It can eliminate the unwanted fluid collected in tissues and reduce swelling and thereby reverse inflammation.

Indian ginseng Aswagandha Withania somnifera

The plant has been used as an aphrodisiac, liver tonic, anti-inflammatory agent, and more recently to treat asthma, ulcers, insomnia, and senile dementia. Clinical trials and animal research support the use of ashwagandha for anxiety, cognitive and neurological disorders, inflammation, and Parkinson’s disease.

Wild asparagus Satavari Asparagus racemosus

It has anti-oxidants and immuno-stimulants.  It has anti-inflammatory, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-bacterial, anti-oxytocic, and reproductive agents.

Himalayan fritillary Ksheerasukla Fritillaria roylei Hook.f

It is a general tonic. Sweet in taste and cold in potency, it improves strength of the body. It has anti-asthmatic, anti-rheumatic, febrifuge, galactagogue, haemostatic, and oxytocic properties. It can be used in the treatment of diabetes, asthma, hypertension, diarrhoea, fever, male infertility, leucorrhoea and many types of inflammation.

Liquorice Yashti Glycyrrhiza glabra L.

It has anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-malarial, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-hyperglycaemic and hepato-protective properties.

Thriphala-a group of 3 drugs namely,

Chebulic myrobalan Pathya Terminalia chebula RETZ. & WILLD.

It is one of the main drugs in Ayurveda, one of the Rasayana and a member of an important group, Triphala. It is used in a wide variety of diseases as it possesses anti-bacterial anti-fungal anti-viral anti-diabetic anti-mutagenic anti-oxidant anti-ulcer and wound-healing properties.

Beleric myrobalan, Bahera Aksha Terminalia bellirica (GAERTN.) ROXB.

A very good healer of gastric diseases, common cold, leukoderma and also cures digestive disorders. It has laxative and anti-inflammatory actions. It is one of the important ingredients in triphala an Ayurvedic preparation. Other properties for which it is used are as health tonic and as rejuvenator. It is used in treatment of piles also.

Amla, Indian gooseberry Dhatri Emblica officinalis GAERTN.

Amla exhibits strong antioxidant activity. It is one of the most important plants in the traditional Ayurvedic medical system as well as in other traditional health systems for immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer and hepatoprotective actions. It is widely used for anti-diabetic effect.It is a part of the famous group of drugs called Thriphala.

Indian dill Sathaahwa   Anethum sowa Roxb.exFlem

It is advised in the treatment of abdominal colic, diarrhoea, fever, wounds and eye diseases.

It is used as an ingredient in gripe water, given to relieve colic pain in babies and flatulence in young children. The seed is aromatic, carminative, mildly diuretic, galactagogue, stimulant and stomachic.  The essential oil in the seed relieves intestinal spasms and griping, helping to settle colic. The carminative volatile oil improves appetite, relieves gas and aids digestion. Chewing the seeds improves bad breath. Anethum stimulates milk flow in lactating mothers, and is often given to cattle for this reason. It also cures urinary complaints, piles and mental disorders.

Wild bean Mudgaparni Phaseolus trilobus

It is good for eyes. It improves the quality and increases the quantity of sperm cells. So, it is used in many male reproductive disorders, like oligospermia. It is also used in the treatment of fever, worms, gastritis, indigestion, rheumatoid arthritis, and diarrhoea.

Blue wiss/rabbit vine Maashaparni Teramnus labialis (L.) Spreng.

It is a general tonic. Being cold in potency and sweet in taste, it gives strength to the body. It improves the quality and increases the quantity of sperm cells. So, it is used in many male reproductive disorders, like oligospermia. It alleviates fever, burning sensation, and diseases of the circulatory system. It may cause constipation in some persons.

Cardamom Ela Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton

It can help in controlling asthma. It is beneficial in teeth and gum infections, cataracts, nausea, diarrhoea, as well as cardiac, digestive and kidney disorders.

Cinnamon/Dalchini Twak Cinnamomum zeylanica

It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, and anti-diabetic properties. It helps lower the cholesterol levels in blood. It is used in vomiting, gastro-intestinal problems and breathing disorders. It can strengthen the heart muscles.

Indian silver fir Taleesapatra Abies webbiana LINDL.

It has anti-bacterial, mast cell stabilising, anxiolytic, anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory, anti-tussive, and CNS depressant properties.




Fire flame bush Dhaataki Woodfordia fruiticosa Kurtz

It is an anthelmintic, in dysentery, leprosy, blood diseases, leucorrhoea, and menorrhagia.

Details of the manufacturing

As already discussed, Dhanwantararishtam has 42 herbal ingredients, and jaggery.

All these ingredients should be washed well and dried up in shade.

Take 2 Pala each of all the 42 herbal ingredients in crushed form in a clean vessel. Add 64 Prastha clean water into it. Make it boil. The fire should be kept low to make sure that all the active ingredients in the herbs needed are absorbed well into the water. Make sure to mix it in between with a wooden ladle. Reduce the quantity into one by fourth of the initial quantity. Once the quantity is reduced to one by fourth of the initial amount of water, remove the vessel from the fire. Squeeze and drain through a clean white cloth. Collect the decoction in a clean vessel and discard the solid waste.

To this decoction, add

Powder of all the 42 herbs (1/8 Pala each)

2 Tulam of Jaggery

and 16 Pala of Dhataki flower.

It should be transferred into an earthen pot coated inside with ghee. Cover it with a clean white cloth and keep it closed and airtight. Keep it for 30 days in a dark place with low temperature. After 30 days, open it and filter through a clean white cloth. Keep it in an airtight glass bottle. Arishtam can be used for a longer period of time without any preservatives.

Dosha Dooshya Predominance with roga margas.

Dhanwantararishtam is thridosha hara especially Vaata pitha hara, brimhana and anulomana, raktha prasadhana, marma vikaranuth and balya.

It acts on both aabhyantara and madhyama rogamarga

Dosage and Usage of Dhanwantararishtam

Dosage: 25-30 ml after food


Arishtam is advised to be taken after food, once the ingested food and arishtam will digest together.

It is taken two times or three times a day immediately after food.

Exercises and Yoga.

As Dhanwantararishtam targets mainly injuries, fractures and inflammations, the person should take rest at the time of injury. After healing injuries specific yogacharya including nadisuddhi pranayama, bhujangaasana, pavanamuktasana, suryanamaskara is recommended depends on the site of injuries and condition of healing. The same yoga is advised for women with reproductive health issues.

Regular exercise helps improve bioavailability of the medicine and food ingested and leads to positive health.

 Yoga can maintain harmony within the body and with the surrounding system.



Nadisudhi pranayama


Simple exercises for lungs and heart health

All the exercises and physical exertions must be decided and done under the supervision of a medical expert only.

Recommended diet and behaviour


  • To be avoided

Heavy meals and difficult to digest foods – cause indigestion.

 junk foods- cause disturbance in digestion and reduces the bioavailability of the medicine

 carbonated drinks – makes the stomach more acidic and disturbed digestion

refrigerated and frozen foods – causes weak and sluggish digestion by weakening Agni (digestive fire)

curd – causes vidaaha and thereby many other diseases

Dried non vegetarian food items

  • To be added

 Light meals and easily digestible foods

Freshly prepared egg, fish curry etc. Avoid fried items.

Green gram, soups, sesame oil.

 freshly cooked and warm food processed with cumin seeds, ginger, black pepper, ajwain etc

milk and milk products.

Nuts and dry fruits in moderate quantity.


Protect yourself from cold climate.

Better to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight wind rain or dust.

Avoid lifting heavy weights and other vigorous physical activities.

Maintain a regular food and sleep schedule.

Avoid holding or forcing the urges like urine, faeces, cough, sneeze etc.

Avoid day sleep and sitting awake late night.

Side effects and contraindications

No known side effects reported.

Diabetic people and people with gastric ulcer should not take arishta-asavas.

Classical reference



Equivalent medicines.


Brands Available

AVS Kottakal

Vaidyaratnam oushadhasala

SNA oushadhasala

Research papers

Dhanwantara yoga






anti-inflammatory and analgesic




Analgesic anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet properties


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