
Saturday 30 January 2021

Pathyashadangam kashayam- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Side effects, Research papers


Pathyashadangam kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine for diseases of head. It is beneficial in the diseases of eyes, ear and head.

Benefits of Pathyashadangam kashayam

It is useful in many diseases coming above neck.

This medicine is used to treat many types of headache like migraine, stress headache, sinus headache etc.

It is effective in earache.

Many types of eye and ear infections can be cured by taking this medicine and following strict dietary and daily regimen.

It is beneficial in toothache and inflammation of gums.

Indications of Pathyashadangam kashayam

Seershasoola     – headache

Bhrusoola          -Pain near eyebrows

Samkhasoola     – Pain on temple area

Karnasoola        – Earache

Ardhasiraso:ruja- Pain on one side/half side of the head

Suryavartam      -Headache gets better/worsens according to the movement of the Sun

Sankhakam        – severe and fatal headache

Dantapatam      – Toothloss

Dantharuk         – Toothache

Naktandhyam   – Tunnel vision/Retinitis pigmentosa

Patalasukla – infections of many parts of eye including keratitis, blepharitis, stye, uveitis etc.

Chakshupeeda  – Pain in the eyes

Ingredients of Pathyashadangam kashayam

Chebulic myrobalan Pathya Terminalia chebula RETZ. & WILLD.

It is one of the main drugs in Ayurveda, one of the Rasayana and a member of an important group, Triphala. It is used in a wide variety of diseases as it possesses anti-bacterial anti-fungal anti-viral anti-diabetic anti-mutagenic anti-oxidant anti-ulcer and wound-healing properties.

Beleric myrobalan, Bahera Aksha Terminalia bellirica (GAERTN.) ROXB.

A very good healer of gastric diseases, common cold, leukoderma and also cures digestive disorders. It has laxative and anti-inflammatory actions. It is one of the important ingredients in triphala an Ayurvedic preparation. Other properties for which it is used are as health tonic and as rejuvenator. It is used in treatment of piles also.

Amla, Indian gooseberry Dhatri Emblica officinalis GAERTN.  

It is one of the main drugs in Ayurveda, one of the Rasayana and a member of an important group, Triphala. It is used in a wide variety of diseases as it possesses anti-bacterial anti-fungal anti-viral anti-mutagenic, anti-ulcer and wound-healing properties. It exhibits strong antioxidant activity. It also famous for its immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective actions. It is widely used as a natural remedy for type 2 diabetes.

Indian gentian Bhoonimba Swertia chirata (ROXB. EX. FLEM.) KAR.

It is an important herb used in Ayurveda for the treatment of fever, inflammation, skin diseases, intestinal parasites and diabetes. It has hepato-protective action also. It is used in treatment of piles, ulcers and fevers.

Turmeric Nisa Curcuma longa L.

Turmeric is used to help with heartburn or bowel problems like diarrhoea, intestinal gas, and bloating. It is famous for its anti-cancerous and detoxification effects. It is widely used in skin diseases. Some may use it to help with memory problems or problems with the liver or gallbladder. It may also help to lessen swelling and help with signs of arthritis. It has marked anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.

Margosa, Neem Nimba Azadirachta indica A. JUSS.  

The important health benefits of this drug include its ability to treat dandruff, soothe irritation, protect the skin, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation. It also speeds up wound healing, treats gastric conditions, slows the aging process, improves hair and scalp health, maintains sexual organ health, has anti-cancer potential, and helps treat diabetes.

Heart leaved moonseed Amrutha Tinospora cordifolia (WILLD.) HOOK.F. & THOMS

It is effective anti-ulcer drug in action. It is a well-known anti-oxidant and has significant anti-inflammatory property.


Guda – Jaggery

Details of the manufacturing

The word shadangam in Sanskrit means 6 parts.

As the name states, Pathyashadangam kashayam has Pathya and other 6 ingredients.

All these seven ingredients should be washed well and dried up in shade.

Take equal quantity of all 7 ingredients in dried & crushed form in an earthen pot. Add 16 times clean water into it. Make it boil and then cook in the open vessel with low fire. Reduce the quantity into one by eighth of the initial quantity. Make sure to mix it in between with a ladle. Also, the fire should be kept low to make sure that all the active ingredients in the herbs needed are absorbed well into the water. Once the quantity is reduced to one by eighth of the initial amount of water, remove the vessel from the fire. Squeeze and drain through a clean white cloth. Collect the decoction in a clean vessel and discard the solid waste. Drink the mild warm decoction.

Dosha Dooshya Predominance with roga margas.

Pathyashadangam kashayam is Kapha-Pittahara and soolahara.

It acts on madhyama rogamarga

Dosage and Usage of Pathyashadangam kashayam

Dosage: two Pala.


Kashayam is advised to take in empty stomach, once the ingested food is digested well and aahaararasa is formed well.

Usage of kashayam with prescribed prakshepadravyas according to the condition of disease and the patient gives the best results mostly.

Here, it is advised to take with a small piece of Guda or jaggery.

Exercises and Yoga.

As Pathyashadangam kashayam targets mainly the organs above neck, physical exercises are not advised in most of the cases. If the doctor allows, relaxing exercises and specific yoga asanas like Hastapadasana, Setubandhasana etc are recommended.

Regular exercise helps improve bioavailability of the medicine and food ingested and leads to positive health.

 Yoga can maintain harmony within and with surroundings.



All the exercises and physical exertions must be decided and done under the supervision of a medical expert only.

Recommended diet and behaviour


  • To be avoided

A person with disease in eye, ear or head should be very selective about his food.

He should not eat,

Dry and hard food items which cause biting hard to break.

Heavy meals and difficult to digest foods – cause indigestion.

 junk foods- cause disturbance in digestion and reduces the bioavailability of the medicine

 carbonated drinks – makes the stomach more acidic and disturbed digeastion

refrigerated and frozen foods – causes weak and sluggish digestion by weakening agni(digestive fire)

 curd – causes vidaaha and thereby many other diseases

  • To be added

Light meals and easily digestible foods

Green gram, soups, buttermilk boiled with turmeric.

Protein-rich and less fat food items like pulses, soya bean, meat etc according to digestion.

Warm fresh milk and pure ghee.

 freshly cooked and warm food processed with cumin seeds, ginger, black pepper, ajwain etc


Avoid head bath.

Avoid any activities involving movement of head including vigorous brushing of teeth and combing of hair.

Better to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight wind rain or dust.

Avoid lifting heavy weights and other vigorous physical activities.

Maintain a regular food and sleep schedule.

Do not sleep in day time.

Side effects and contraindications.

No known side effects reported.

Classical references

Equivalent medicines.

Varanadi kashayam

Brands Available

AVS Kottakal

Vaidyaratnam oushadhasala

AVP Coimbatore

Kerala Ayurveda

Research papers

Pathyakshadhatryadi kashaya


Triphala in GI disorders with headache as a symptom

Triphala in dentistry


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